Ask Joni Lund
Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy
by Joni Lund on 01/16/14
Angelica Ephedra Motherwort
Basil Ergot Mugwort
Black Cohosh False Unicorn Origanum
Blue Cohosh FeverFew Osha root
Blue Vervain Flax Seed Pennyroyal
Buckthorn Gentian root Rosemay; in flower
Calendula Ginger Rue
Camphor Ginseng Saffron stigmas
Caraway seeds Hops Sage
Cascara Sagrada Horseradish (fresh) Senna
Castor Oil Hyssop Sumac berries
Catnip Larkspur Tansy
Celery Seed Lavendar Thyme
Chamomile Marjoram Turkey Rhubarb
Cotton Root Marshmallow Wormwood
Dong Quai Mistletoe
Also be careful of excessive Vitamin: A, C, and D during pregnancy.
Completely avoid: smoking, alcohol, raw or undercooded meat, radiation, caffeine, DES (dithylstilbestrol), Aspirin, anthihistamines, contact with cat feces.
Golden seal root stresses the liver and kidneys, raises white blood cell count, and can cause uterine contraction.
Red Raspberry Leaf: is an excellant uterine tonic and can be used unerringly in pregnancy and during lactation.
Alfalfa: good to build red blood cells and can be used through out pregnancy and lactaion.
Yellow Dock: is also a good for preventing: anemia, but large doses over a long period of time should be avoided.
Nettle Leaf tea will add calcium and vitamin K to your diet.
Parsley, Chicory, and dandelion and lamb's Quarters will add the vitally needed Folic Acid toprevent birth defects.
Comfrey: infusion provides vitamins and minerals for preventing backache as well as amino acids needed in plentiful supply for strong abdominals and healthy babies.
Anise or Fennel seeds teas are tonic to stomach and aid digestion.
Slippery Elm: can be used in cases of heartburn.
There is "Detoxing" then there is DETOXING
by Joni Lund on 12/26/13
You are going to find many sites which claim detoxing.
But if you simply stop doing the drugs, eating the items that is toxifying you, or exposing yourself to a chemical toxin.
You are simply reducing the level in your body. This is not detoxification.
Also detoxification by just juicing or supplements will simply remove toxins from system and put them into liver, and take the old toxin in the liver/colon and push them back into your blood stream. Hence, you haven't removed much (if any water soluble toxins.) or anything from your body. Just displaced it.
In the event you have a toxin laid up in your fat cells. You need a full and complete program. Which we offer.
Fat soluble toxins are as follows pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, food perservatives, artifical food flavors, artificial food colors, Aspartame, Heavy Metals: Dental amalgam, asbestos, Copper, Silver, Gold, polluntion, radiation, Aluminum, Cadium, malathion, Mercury, Lead, other metals, Cosmetics, Agent orange, Agent White, Agent Blue. MSG mono sodium glutamate, silicone, & Cosmetics to name a few.
Hunters, military service men, and shooting enthusists are all in high risk catorgory for lead poisoning. Reloaders too.
People with alot of "people" problems are in the high percentage of being toxic for heavy metal poisoning.
People whom own dogs, cats and they are indoors are aquiring tapeworms, round worms and other from their pets. All a pet has to do is go outside, sniff pee, or lick grass and they are reinfected. Petting a pet puts tapeworm eggs on your hands; if you contact your face or eat before washing those eggs off, you infect yourselves.
If you have a dog in the house your childrens health will be down. They will have the sniffles, runny noses, gas, stomach problems etc. This is from animal parasites.
Those of you working livestock are also picking up loads of parasites from your livestock.
It is impairative that you are on a worming program 2 to 4 times a year also.
Instead of taking harsh prescriptions there are organ friendly worming programs available from us. Also the daily use of our Advanced ERE machine will kill any parasite larvae in your blood stream. A very affordable, safe way to treat you, your pets, and if you want and the situation is right you can treat your livestock.
Contact me around 9 PM if you have questions.
(701) 652-1986
Population Control takes a new twist in old story.
by Joni Lund on 12/10/13
Population control is rearing its ugly head again in the form of a candy coated deal called obamacare. Even if you cover an ant in chocolate to make it palitable it is still an ant your eating. The same with obamacare, splat a FREE contraceptive for most women on it to get the public to stream "its a good deal".
This is your good deal:
1. Long term conception use, changes the health of your reproducive system, interferces with your natural hormone balance. Could make you inferile when you want to conceive. That is a major reason people cann't conceive, messed with the natural order of their bodies. (We can help with this.)
2. Puts you at a much higher risk for cancer.
3. Puts you at a much higher risk for heart disease, especially aggervatied if you smoke.
4. Gives your conconsence a license to sin as there is no consequence," children to take care of." WHO is going to be your caring family when you get old? WHO is going to work to pay for your social security benefits?
5. What happens when you sometime want children and can't conceive because you forced your body to do unnatural things for years. And its folicles have burned out?
The reason there is a future problem with social security is they keep dipping into that fund for other bills. Second, the government is fully aware that there is a large scale contraception problem and they fully encourage no births. One thing the wealthy in control of this country don't realize, the slaves (poor and middle class) carry the weight of finances and do the grunt jobs all carried on their labor intensive jobs and litterly our backs. Being put in a situation of not being born, or the burden of functioning on a diet of dead food, in poor paying jobs is literly for the birds!
6. Also it is known that when the US dollar is no longer the world monetary standard (trade concurrency). Life as we know it will cease. Marital law will be enforced. Basic utilities and state and federal services will cease. No banks. Businesses closed, for an interm until private citizens can build a network and get going again. Anything government will not be funded.
Why does the government need hundreds of family sized coffins stocked piled all around this country?
How do they expect to die?
WHY? Superbug? Marsh Law in effect, gets put to use. Mass control of the public? What?
What I believe it is all coming to a head. With out major over hauls in how food is produced and handled American health will continue to worsen. Especially with the economic woos, dumbing down of the public, and the over all complancy. The same thing happened in Germany, we are too civilized, modern, etc etc. There is not a single human endeavor which does not need its neighbors to keep it honest and straight forward. A town with peers does far more good then the law of the land ever did. I am saying neighbor helping and educating neighbor verse law and govenment. Be nice.
In 1973 laws were passed which protected the retarded and other from being steriled by surgery becaused of presumed incapabilities to care for children or to birth "normal" offspring.
This practice came about from medical practices in Germany int he 1940's. But the US has the longest and most blood thirsty history of devaluing life prior to 1973.
I had a few other points but it has been too many days since I worked on this so I will let it go as is for now. Joni
Question of the Day: Is Peanut Butter a Healthy food?
by Joni Lund on 12/10/13
Is Peanut Butter a Healthy Food?
Lets break down the facts.
Hydrogenated vegetable oil (rapesee, cottonseed, soybean)
allergian peanuts.
(Vit A 0%, Vit C 0%, Calcium 2%, Iron 4%, Vit E 10%, Riboflavin 0%, Niacin 20%, Folic Acid 10%, Sat fat 10%, sodium 160mg 7%, potassium 190mg 5%, carbs 3%, protein 7g)
Peanuts - are they raw? organic? if no then buzz.
Dextrose - means sugar, usually form in manufactoring is corn syrup. SO BUZZ. Almost everyone has a corn allergy but don't realize it. Refined sugar - buzz. US honey, stevia, or agave nectar or unrefined sugar would be ok.
Hydrogenated vegetable oil - BUZZ. Stops fatty acid metablism. Causes cells to stop normal cellular activity or builds irregular cells (mutated).
My theory is that partialhydrogentated or hydrogentated oils, and antiacid blockers or acid pump inhibitors are the MAJOR cell damagers which sets up a situation malnutition leading to cancer in humans.
Oils types: rapeseed (also known as canola - historical not used as food source because it has a damaging effect on cardic muscles. High in erucic acid. Canola historical is used as diesel fuel source and as lubricant. High in estrogens and a BIG fattener. In 1981 a deadly disease broke out in Spain called Toxic Oil syndrome caused comsumption of colza oil, a cousin of canola oil. It was fraudently sold as olive oil. Colza is from a siminaler plant, rapa. , Cottonseed - high in negatives for health, increases estrogens in the body, soybean - increases estrogens in the human body; causes weight gain, hormone imbalances, etc. BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ!!!
Sugar - Is a refined product void of natural goodness, and bleached. Trace amounts of calcium chloride. Believed to be low in toxicity for a harsh chemical. Used as a lymeing agent in industry and road work. Do you want that in you? A lot of people have sugar allergies and don't know it. One side effect of sugar consumption is a weakening of muscular strength. Good, bad, or ulgy? BUZZ.
Beware good honey is expensive, and grown locally. Should be processed at low temperatures. Any thing hot, fast, and cheap is a big no no. The cheap store bought honeys and or comes in soft plastic bottles is a big no no. Mixed and blended off with flour and powdered milk from foreign countries. Watered down. Radiated to get to America. ETC. Powdered milk is a bad thing!
Salt - In recent years this means "table salt" sodium chloride. Sodium and chloride bleach/whitener. Possibily sugar added. devoid of mineral content salt is suppose to have. Can be disruptive to heart rythum. ETC. BUZZ.
Now to the list of vitamins and minerals. To be a truely good food anything that says 10% is a good value for procuced foods.
Remember that since this is a cooked and processed food there is little to no enxzymes and or amino acids. Both are crewsual before getting any other nutrients!
So the answer is NO. Peanut butter is not what you thought it was. It is not the super food the general media and health professional say it is.
Peanut butter is not my target, your thought process is. It is the same for all foods manufactored for long storage and transit.
Stop blindly shoveling things into your mouth, you are what you eat. So if you have ____________ you earned it. You cultivated that problem. I am not trying to be mean here, or insensitive. I was there once myself. Wake up.
I would be glad to assist you in your life changes. YOU change your life is my point, to do so you should educate yourself. Ever wonder why __________ likes you to be uninformed? Simple the uninformed are easy targets.
Remember Like myself in the beginning , The big thing to learn as you go, and remember is over cooking, canning, and storing almost completely destroys the nutrient value of ALL FOODS. Making it hard to keep healthy on a long term diet of processed foods.
Plus is you add in perservatives, artifical flavors, and artifical colors you are not eating low value foods you are also poisoning yourself. YOU. Out of ignornce. I apololgize, I too was in your boat; but I woke up before I circumed to cancer, a heart attack. However, I was getting alot of severe chest pains, chest pain kicks, body pain, migraines, shortness of breath, seizures, tired, tired, unproductive and getting worse. This is because you can't run a car or your body on low grade fuel.
You can't block or go with out a FULL accompanyment of amino acids or enzymes for extended periods of time and expect to be well! We were not made that way. We were not designed to do well on convience foods. Regardless how we grow up. Guess where mental illness and most diseases comes from? Bad nutritional habits and toxic body !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Weakening your body with poor nutrition will leave you open to diseases, virsus, bacteria, fungals, and suspeptable to . . . . .
It takes a lot more nutrition or reverse ignorance or lazy then to have listened to "Pop Eye" in the beginning.
We need to eat more like people did in the 1910 - 1950's, stop the over processed dead meals. IT takes less food once your body adjusts. At first you will be eliminating toxins, then rebuilding your body, but once your systems basicly catches up, then a steady high powered diet will do you well. Won't feel hungry all the time. Or the bit of food you eat will last you longer.
Convert your body to a fat burner vs modern sugar burner.
It is never to late to improve what you have left. It is too late if you don't take action today.
The younger you are the more you will be sparing yourself and your future. Don't be lazy or foolish, your warned now. Don't develop disease before you make changes. Start today. Join us. Or simply learn from us. We have an extensive library and loan program.
All too-common cures for PMS problems
by Joni Lund on 11/14/13
This mineral ___, this vitamin ___ add in relief of menstrual cramps. By ___________ most effective. Page V 69 & 80. in as little as 3-6 months.
This simple amino acid ___________ (page 70) more along with vitamin , ______ mg of this mineral, and for a select few they also need 2 grams daily of gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) need a prescription and compounding pharmacits.
Heavy Bleeding
Use vitamin _____ Page 70 of V.
You should first be checked by a gynecologist or family doctor for fibriods, and/or othe structioonal or functional abnormality before trying any line of treatment.
Female pain problems
This this mineral______. to minimize or possibly eliminate severe cases of fibrocystic breast disease. People with fibrocystic breast disease must cut out caffeine from diet entirely! (Coffee, soda, and tea.) Inadditon add vitamin E, extra vitamin ______, primrose or black-currant oil and _______ mineral. Add a high potency vitamin/mineral combiation too.
Shrink uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts withour surgery or years of waiting. With a chinese formula, worked in 47 or 110 cases. Page V. 71
Tradional medicine would tell you to wait for menopause or have surgery.
Reduce painful breast lumps with this mineral combo and a injection of this mineral.
Enlarged Prostrate - Shrink it the natural way.
by Joni Lund on 11/14/13
1. This hormone supplement usually does the trick. It should be taken by __________.
2. The second major reason for prostate enlargement is these mineral and nutritant deficiencies: _____, ____ _____ ______. page V.50 and a backed up kidneys. Add a_______ extract for them.
3. This herb complex taken with the right nutritants packs a powerfuld punch.
Sometimes One of the sets will work, other times a person must us all the protocils to get results.
Finally is you still have the BPH symptoms of frequency urinary urgency, nocutia, decreased size and force of stream, incomplete bladder emptying, and dribbing even after the 3 treatment types above: you may have a contition called prostatism.
Muscles in the neck of bladder and muscles in the the prostrate are not sufficently relaxed. Resulting in feelings which mimic BPH. Relaxing hobby, stress reduction, and this relaxing herb _____(V p.52)
Different doses and or playing around with the combinations usually gives you the results your looingin for.
Other man problems see pages Pages V. 53-54.
Detect and reduce your prostrate cancer risks with these simple steps. Pages V. 55-56
Health Conscious Tropical Tea
by Joni Lund on 11/12/13
6 cups boiling water
6 tea bags - preferrablely though orgital
1 1/2C. orange juice - fresh squeazed.
1/2C unsweetened pineaple juice - fresh squeezed.
Serve Warm.
2 TBLSP Honey
Aspartame Dangers & Gulf War Syndrome
by Joni Lund on 11/11/13
Several things are contributing to the whole gulf war syndrome problem.
1. Biological Weapons used, that is why solders were able to pass on something to their family members and communities. Currently over 20% of the civilian population has autoimmune disease symptoms verses before the gulf war.
2. Pick up parasitic organisms, and same as above - family members contracted something.
3. Chemical weapons, and lead exposure, constant burning petroleum inhaliaton.
4. In the food resources you have alumium cans filled with soda pop. Several thousands of pallets of diet pop were shipped to the troops. Heat over 86 degrees can liberate methanol from the other aspartame components. The Diet pop sat in the120 degree temperatures in the Arabian sun for weeks. The service men and women drank this pop all day long. Their symptoms match Aspartame poisoning. Get your body detoxed at
Are you sick from Aspartame and don't know it?
92 documented symptoms of ASPARTAME, from coma to death. Most symptoms are neurological. Aspartame destroys the nervous system. Burning tongue is directly related to aspartame consumption.
In 1976 Grolier's encyclopedia states cancer cannot live without phenylalanine. Aspartame is 50% phenylalanine.
Here is some of the side effects:
1. Fibromyalgia and or the syndrome
2. Multiple Sclerosis symptoms
3. Dizziness
4. Headaches
5. Menstrual problems
6. Behavioral changes observed after intake of aspartame flavored foods and drinks are moodiness, nausea, hallucinations, seizures, twitching, abnormal breathing and depression.
The normal neurtransmitter metabolism of the human brain is interrupted and results in an imbalance of amino acide because of the interreaction of emthyl alcohol, aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and aspartame from amino acids.
Redoes the serontonin levels in the body. This arouses systemic hypertension, insomnia, hyperactivity, general contraindication to those taking the medications levodopa or monamine oxidase inhibitors.
The two amino acids in aspartame are fused together with deadly menthanol. But body temperature, 86 degrees weather, or 30 degrees Celsius the methanol is released from its amino bonds and becomes a poisonous free radical.
Methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde(embalming fluid). Mathanol is dangerous neurotoxin. A known carcinogen(cancer causer), causes retinal damage in the eye, interferes with DNA replication (so your DNA could replicate an irregular copy of itself - cell mutation is called cancer.), and causes birth defects.
Aspartame can be found on the ingredients lists of these products and more:
diet pop
over-the-counter drugs & prescription drugs(very common & lsited under inactive ingredients)
Vitamin & herb supplements
instant breakfasts,
candy, & sugar free gum
breath mints
cocoa mixs,
coffee beverages
instant breakfasts,
gelatin desserts,
frozen desserts
juice beverages
milk drinks
shake mixes
table top sweetners
tea beverages
instant teas
topping mixes
wine coolers
Some drug and supplement manufacturers are allowed to avoid listing aspartame on the label if they state the words contains phenylalanine.
Some drugs and supplements are allowed to avoid listing aspartame on the label but they list phenylalanine.
Diet Pop makes you sick and fat.
Why, Very Acidic. 100,000 times stronger than your body wants. All life dies at a pH of 4.5. Aspartame's pH is 1.5!
Your kidneys handle the pH levels in the body. Your body does best at 7.0-7.2 At this correct pH the body can release and dispose of stored acids (acids make for aches and pains), which fill the fat cells. This is why some people have such drastic weight loss in a short time just drinking water.
It take 32 glasses of 7 pH water to get rid of one diet soda pop or cola. Healthy people's pH runs 7.1-7.5pH. Over 150 diseases linked to low or acidic pH. ALL DISEASES THRIEVE IN ACIDIC OXYGEN POOR ENVIRONMENT.
MOST degenerative disease we call old age diseases like memory loss, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, and many more are actually life-style diseases caused by acidosis, the lack of supplements, the stomach acids needed to digest well, what nutrients we don't injest, or toxins we injest; which prematurely age us. Those toxins left to build up and destroy vital organs will eventually take your life if you don't change your ways.
Early acidosis acne, low sex drive, food allergies, bloating, dificulty waking up in morning.
Moderate acidosis is asthma, urninary infections, excessive hair loss, depression, migraines.
Severe acidosis is Cancer, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Tuberculosis.
What can cause an unhealthy pH?
1. Dehydration
2. Stress
3. Additives
4. Low food quality
5. Exposure to toxic chemicals
6. Too much caffeine.
Just one scoop of our "Go Green" contains 77 quality ingredients to balance your bodies pH. Includes 46 1/2 apples, 28 1/2 ears of corn, 1 1/2 beets, 4 tomatoes, 19 spears of asparagus, 7 1/2 cups of blackberries, 28 banannas in that one scoop. When I was at my sickest I would use 2 to 3 scoops per day. 1 scoop daily equals one jar per month, 2 scoops equals 2 jars, 3 scoops equals 3 jars. (Mineral deficiency affect your pH). Can buy go green with order form on equipment page under HTE on your credit card.
From the World Environmental conference and the Multiple sclerosis foundation:
When aspartame exceeds 86 degrees the aspartame converts to formaldetyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. Formic acid is a poison found in fire ant stings. Methanol toxicity minic multiple sclerosis; thus people were being diagnosed with having multiple sclerosis in error. Multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence where methanol toxicity is; get detoxed. Systemic lupus, is rampant is people whom have a history of Diet Coke and Diet Pesi drinking. Also, methanol poisoning, the patients drink three to four 12oz cans per day, some even more.
In the case of MS, when is it is methanol poisoning some of the sympthoms disappear. Vision and hearing may return. Also causes of tinnitus. If you use an artificial sweetner and suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in you legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anixiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss-you probably have ASPARTAME DISEASE!
ASPARTAME changes the brain chemistry. The reason for severe seizures. The drug changes the dopamine level in the brain. (Those people suffering from Hyperkinetic problems,{H-LD, MBM, SLD, ADD, ADHD}; & autism are extemely sensitive to chemical food allergies. You will see personality changes!!!! Apparant mental illnesses. BUT not TRUELY MENTAL ILLNESSES!!! Food allergies, and artifical food color and artifical flavor allergies. Long term exposure or toxic build up seriously increases the amount of serotonin in the brain! Maked aggression plus lack of impulse control from allergians in foods. Wholia insane armed gun man/woman on a killing rampage.) My opinion is that poor soul whom died at the hands of a swat team is just as much a victim as the people shot or maimed. But the whack-a-doo from chemical food poisioning will never see justicise from food induced insanity. Because in this country it is legal to put these and other poisons in our food and beverages to make a product which excites your taste buds and brain in a addictive, over stimulating manner. People who have heavily contaminated bodies carve the things which made them toxic in the first place, they slowly loose their minds when their major organs, body, mind are full of poisons, . This toxicity causes an oxygen deficiency. Similar to the bends. It is insidous because it creeps up on you. SO you don't really feel or notice the changes because it happens a little each day. Feels normal because it wasn't an all at once too much for the body thing. The sameway any other corruption happens, a little at a time. Your body and mind slowly loose the fight.
The phenylalaine in aspartame breaks down teh seizure threshold and depletes serotonin, which causes manic depression, panic attacks, rage, and violence.)
Food additive allergery problems where first published in 1975 by Dr. Feingold, M.D. The congressional record, says aspartame makes you crave carbohydrates and will make you fat. This weight is stored praticularly in the hips and thighs.
The American Diabetes Assoc, American Dietetic Assoc, and Congress, and Conference of American College of Physicians are all benificaries of the food industry funding. Monsanto is the creator of Aspartame.
Dr Roberts & Dr Lousi Elsas state comsuming aspartame at the time of conception can cause birth defects. Including retardation.
The alternative to sugar or artifical sweetner is an herb stevia. Been used as an sweetner for hundreds of years with no know side effects. People of type B blood type should avoid, in them it acts as an allergian.
Sugar in water produces a known toxin called chlorinated glucose. Splenda or sucralsoe in water makes chlorinated monosaccharides. Splenda is chlorocarbon. Chlorocarbons have the history known for organ, reproductive and genetic damage.
From the cosumers research magazine: There is no clear-cut evidence that sugar substitutes are useful in weight reduction. On the contrary, there is some evidence that these substances may stimulate appetite.
Aspartame poisoning:
1. Acute reactions withing 48 yrs.
2. Chronic toxicity from several days to number of years later.
3. Potential toxicity effects that would be nearly impossible for the user to recognize the link to aspartame.
1988 showed:
decreased vision and or eye problems 140 (25%)
pain (1 or both) 51 (9%)
decreased tears, trouble with contact lenses 46 (8%)
Blindness (one or both) 14 (3%)
Tinnitus (ringing or buzzing) 73 (13%)
severe intorlence for noise 47 (9%)
Marked impariment of hearing 25 (5%)
Headaches 249 (45%)
dizziness, unsteadness or both 217 (39%)
confusion, memory losss or both 157 (29%)
severe drowsiness and sleepiness 93 (17%)
Pareshesias (pins and needles, tingling) 82 (15%) or numbness of the limbs
Convulsions (grand mal eplieptic attacks) 80 (15%)
Petit mal attacks and absences 18 (3%)
Severe slurring of speech 64 (12%)
severe tremors 51 (9%)
severe hyperactivity and restless legs 43 (8%)
atypical facial pain 38 (7%)
Severe depression 139 (25%)
extreme irritability 125 (23%)
Severe anixiety attacks 105 (19%)
Marked personality changes 88 (16%)
Frequent severe insomnia 76 (14%)
Severe aggrevaion of phobias 41 (7%)
Palpitations, tachycardia (rapid heart action),88 (16%)
shortness of breath 54 (10%)
Atypical chest pain 44 (8%)
recent hypertension (high blood pressure) 34 (6%)
Nausea 79 (14%)
Diarrhea 70 (13%)
Abdominal pain 70(13%)
Pain on swallowing 28(5%)
Severeitching without a rash 44 (8%)
Severe hip and mouth reactions 29 (5%)
Urticaria (hives) 25 (5%)
Other eruptions 48 (9%)
aggravaton of respiratory allergies 10 (2%)
Problems with diebetes: losss of control 60 (11%)
Precipitation of clinical diabetes; aggravation or simulation of diabetic complications
Menstrual changes 45 (6%)
severe reduction or cession of periods (22)
paradoxic weight gain 34 (5%)
marked weight loss 26 (6%)
marked thinning or loss of the hair 32 (6%)
aggravated hypoglycemia (low blood sugar attacks) 25 (5%)
Frequency of voiding (day and night)
burning 69 (13%) on urination (dysuria), or both
excessive thrist 65 (12%)
Severe joint pains 58 (11%) This happens because of minerals being leached from bone to fix pH problems with pop drinking.
Bloat 57 (10%)
Increased susceptability to infection 7 (%)
Many pilots appear to be particulary susceptbile to the effects of aspartame ingestion. They report numerous serious toxicity effects including grand mal seizures in the cockpit. Nearly 1,000 cases reported in the Stoddard 1995.
Many times patients are misdiagnosed, and patient and doctor attribute the worsening of the condition as a simply progresson of the illness. Many times its chronic aspartame posioning instead.
Over 7,000 aspartame toxicity reactions officially received by the US Food and Drug Administration.
Most physicians are aware of "ARMS" Adverse Reaction Monitoring System. But the general public isn't aware and and not as likely to report adverse reactions to the FDA.
1.9 million recognized toxicity reactions in the US between 1982 and 1995. Estimated 7.6 million go unreported.
Detox your body, and seek counseling if you need it. We are all different so we don't all turn into killers, but life can get very hard on you and loved ones when you get toxic. It is hard to deal with people whom have become so toxic is shows up in their habits, and mental state. Or the denial the belief they are fine, normal, or it is something else. The fact it is a poisoning of your cells, regardless of the cause. Get it fixed contact Joni Lund on this site.
Herbs bind themselves to the posions (free radicals) releasing them from your receptors in the body, now the body can eleminate them, then Alive food maintains health function.
Learn to feed your body. That is what I am here for. To teach and coach you. Provide physical and techinal support.
God gave me Cancer, Other Major Disease His Will I prayed for Healing, God's Will Fault.
by Joni Lund on 11/10/13
Let me tell you about God. He is blamed for a great deal. He is a God of Mercy, Love and Compassion. He states that none should be lost.
He says that His people perish for the lack of knowledge.
Knowledge of Him, his Son, Reading, Writing, Rethmathic, basic sciences, hygene, understanding, etc.
He has a will and purpose for everything. He heals you simply by speaking and it is done. (It may take a while for the spoken word in the spirit to manifest on earth. And it takes a longtime when the reciever isn't asking or accepting the healing/gift. ) And he so his Love, Mercy, and compassion can be seen and understood/learned by others he generally works his mericals through his obedient vessiles. We are suppose to be his obedient vessiles. But he gave all of us a free will. A free will to love him by our own will, to seek him by our own will, and to willing follow his will for our lives.
Frankly, everyone is learning to be as (God) Yahweh wants us to be. Secondly, we go in and out of his will through out our lives. But as we learn to depend on him more whole heartedly, and less self-centeredly we become more like him and he comes and abides with us in a manner we see and understand more as time goes on. God said (Jesus Christ), Joshusa healed us and set us free when he died for us on the cross. (This means our bodies, minds, and spirits are free whole. Whole is not sick. Also states their is a stockpile of new bodies for us in heaven waiting for us to recieve. To recieve you must seek, ask, accept.)
My point is do not loose faith that you will be healed. It is a matter of time and sometimes form.
Maybe this pushy, persistant woman is directing you on the path you should be following to recieve your answers to Prayer? Receive Healing. Recieve Relief.
First of all, the majority of your cancer (or major health) problems if that is your problem is because of your actions or the lack of action.
Don't get me wrong, I feel for your misery! But God didn't do this to you. Cancer and major illnesses are man made. Maybe evil, greed can be a partner in the event.
God made your body to operate in a "well oil clock fashion", strong robust, and vital. A body which scientist have studied, and have concluded that it is made in such a way that it should never wear out, nor die. Completely renewable. They can't figure out how this can be, but it is.
This fact is probably why early man sinned by filling so with pride and proclaimed themselves Gods. They understood basic nutitrional and chemical principles.
1. Detox your cells. Remove the poisons.
2. Do for your body what God said to do. Feed it the PROPER NUTRITENTS.
3. You will not recieve much, if you are not open to recieving.
When you follow his commands, advice, and directives, then you will heal according to God's will.
This includes body, mind, and spiritual healing.
Remember the spiritual illness will damage the body and mind.
Mind illness will effect the body and the spirit.
And physical illnesses are trying on the mind and spirit.
Maybe you were sick before you were even born and have alot of health recovery to go.
Maybe your illness came on because you are living in a lifestle of uncleanness, and greed.
Maybe your illness came as an exposure to something.
But certainly, your life long habits have woren you down.
It is time to pick yourself up, learn, do what you can to live in a manner which strenthens your spiritual growth, strenghens your mind and body.
Running from the truth is not God's way. He proclaimed that everything will come into the light. That means it will be seen. Needs to be dealt with. This includes your health.
Lying and keeping secrets is very hard on your health. So stop it. Confess your sins to Joshusa. Then repent. Repent means to stop thinking or the action, stop doing those actions. Stop practicing that sin. Stop giving it the right to grow larger in your brain.
Sometimes we are not getting answers because we not listening, are not going down the right path.
If you have tryed the samething repeatedly and are stopped dead in your tracks, why do the samething yet another time?
I am willing to teach you and to help you regain your health to the best of my ability, and I will pray for God's help in my understanding, and actions.
Living by faith is a just do the right thing by action. Sometimes the action is to be quiet and open, sometimes forward. But it is never to give up. We are to press on.
National Deviled Egg Day today/
by Joni Lund on 11/02/13
National deviled egg day today. Event goes back to Roman times. However, they liked their eggs much hotter.
Americans and the French are the most serious about having deviled eggs in their dietary lists.
Life's Little Surpise Gifts
by Joni Lund on 10/27/13
Ever so glad be home and more or less physically well. Minus a bit.
Got my hand, wrist and arm pulled into the rotar tiller today.
Beaten up. No broken bones, or mass bleeding. Hurt all the way up the arm into the shoulder. Feels like lost movement and usage. Tendon acting up. Hope no tears. God's mercy!
Going to use the Alleviator on it. (Cold Laser-Stimulates healing of loosing of soft tissues. Iit worked great on a spinal injury! Haven't had a problem with that area of the back since.)
Work tomorrow will be interesting. Manual labor. :-)
Are Herbs and supplement all the same?
by Joni Lund on 10/27/13
No. The fresher the better in most cases.
These chain stores __ __ __ __ __ __ __ & __ __ __ __ __; carry supplements from foreign suppliers in most cases. In additon, in strengths which keep you from complety failing, but not in strengths to heal or detox your body.
I checked out another popular supplement chain store, __ __ __ also.
By there own odmission "most of their products were synthicly derived. Some were combinations of synthics and holistics, and rarely did they carry pure holistic."
Also with large chains stores, they are buying their supplements from third world countries. When this is done, the products are irradiated before coming onto USA shores. Decontaimation. Been a long time since product produced, picked, packaged. Under what environmental conditions? These processes weaken the product considerably. And adds radiation exposure in food.
Plus supplements with perservatives which toxify the body should not be used if possible. The point after all is to clean out the body. Not add another chemical to be removed.
Many people have allergies to food colors; something to be careful of when purchasing supplements, medicines, & over-the-counter stuff. Most our products are natural. ( Food colors are coal oil, based. A petrouleum product taken by mouth. Ingesting oil is never healthy.
Joni of
Many many of our supplements are not listed, write a letter inquiring on product need, and we'll get back to you.
Call around 9 PM central
The majority of our products are "wild crafted" in the United States. Shorter periods before consumption. Less exposure to DDT. Most are farmed off small farms, with knowledge of environmental conditions surrounding the herbs.
Our minerals are of the oppminum conbination, strengths and delivery.
Sincerely; Joni
So, check on our supplements. 100's of items not listed yet.
Best to write me by mail for product request and pricing.
Thank you.
by Joni Lund on 10/27/13
The number one cause of headaches in the US is food additives. Especially MSG, nitrates in convinence meats, plus. Use our homeopathic detox drops, morning when you get headache if it goes away, food: additive/color problem.
Number two, your body has reached full toxicity. Needs cleaning, get the slug out of the engine have us help you.
Number Three Oxygen deficient, by way of dehydration.
Number Four Deficient in ......
Keeping a food and beverage log for a month is very enlightening; list mood and body feelings after each day. This is very accurate in finding the problems and can help you pin point areas of concern. Note perservatives in food also. Allergry pin pointer. Besides I will request a food and beverage log when you come to see me. This will get you up to speed 30 days sooner.
Note it takes about 3 months for full effects of treatments, about nine in cases of horomonal deficiences. In case of migraines drops about 20 minutes relief. But causes should be resolved so you stop the problem once and for all.
Also gives you will power, because you have the power of choose verses living with the after effects. You will know why. SO the how can be found.
Where Can I Rent a Zyto Compass?
by Joni Lund on 10/27/13
Where can you rent a Zyto Compass? You from the manufactor.
You may come and use my Zyto Compass for a miniumal fee.
At Carrington ND appointment necessary. 701 652-1986 9 PM call or 701 351-9305 text after 9 AM.
The Compass needs a constant internet connection which is serviced by Compass. There is a monthly service fee of $40.00 for this.
Zyto Compasses can be bought on your debit or credit cards with this link no extra credit card fees.
Salt The Truth
by Joni Lund on 10/27/13
The enclosed is for educational purposes, and is not to be used or taken as medical advice. Consult your physician and pharmist before makingchanges to your supplemenation.
There are Four misconceptions:
1. No difference between refind and unrefined salt.
2. Low salt diets are good for us.
3. Salt equals hypertension.
Just because a labels says "sea salt" does not mean it hasn't been highly refined. (Denatured.)
All Salt comes from the sea, hence ALL salt is "sea salt". Unrefined salt contains approxiamately 86 minerals. But when the greater portion of minerals have been removed it is denatured/refinded. Then chloride and other stuff is added, this then is table salt.
From label of Table salt in 1996.
Sodium ferrocycmide
ammonium citrate
aluminium silicate
less then 1% iodine
Low salt diets equal pH problems.
~pH problems increase cardiovascular diseases and mortality.
~Poor Lipid profiles
~mineral & vitamin inbalances
~acculmination of toxic items in body
~increased insulin, etc.
Faulty studies have been done; which accounts for most of the Salt studies. Animal models were used, whom were recieving 10 to 20 times more then recommended. Table salt used vs unrefined salts.
Low salt diets equal increase in:
LDL - cholesterol
Top 10 drugs sold in the USA is to treat these problems. Making a huge profit.
Low salt diet equals 400% more myocardial infaractions.
1/4 tsp for every quart water. In diet averages 1 tsp a day.
Adult body has 250mg of salt in it. 100 mg are of sodium & mineral and 150mg are chloride.
Dehydration equals cellular acidicity.
Long term mineral deficiency and/or excess refined sodium will lead to adrenal exhaustion.
Fibromayica, aches, pains, & exhaustion all have adrenal issues.
Adrenal Exhaustion equals adecline in Alodoserine, cortisone, DHEA, Estrogen, Pregnenoline, testerone.
Adrenal exhaustion equals brain fog, fatique, hair loss, inability to exercise-feel worse, low blood pressure, muscle/joint aches & pains, Thyroid problems.
Low salt & iodine equal suboptional T4 to T 3 conversion.
Bromide, iodine, and floride are halicides.
Too much of bromide or floride cause iodine loss.
Bromide poisoning cause: Delirium, depression, hallucination, headaches, irratability, Psychomotor retardation, schizophrenia.
Can get from carpet, furniture, matress, fire retardant material/spray, #1 new or hot car interiors.
low salt diet increases the 1/2 life of Bromide by 833%.
1/2 life is how long something will stay in your body. In rats bromide stays in for 3 days.
High bromide levels can cause Graves Disease.
Treat with Vit C, iodine, and unrefined salt. Salt draws out bromide.
This mineral deficiency increases cancer rate of Lung, rectal, bladder, esophagel & uterine.
90% of people in the midwest have this mineral deficiency.
SW decifiecy higher. With sufficient amounts decrease all cancer by 50%.
Lung - 48%, prostrate -63%, colorectal - 58%.
200mg of folic acid decreased hypertension in women by 46%.
B6 65,000 people over 15 year study.
72% less colorectal cancer.
Melationion: (__) mg decreases of 40% Irritable bowel sydrome and sleep disorders.
This mineral____________deficiences is rampent in USA.
Nation wide 27% lean kids, 55% obese kids are deficient.
If level of this mineral is low then insulin and insulin resistance are higher.
Obese woman with higher levels of this mineral have 22% less chance to get diabetes.
65% of people hospitalized are deficient in this mineral.
Women: with 255mg a day of it experienced
- 41% colorrectal cancer
- 44% colon cancer,
- 55% retal cancer.
50% of obese adults and 1/3 children are obese; are deficient.
vitamin D inhibits tumor growth.
700-800 mg are considered low levels.
700% increase breast cancer in women with low vitamin D.
With aducate level ___________mg day, see - 50% decrease in any cancer.
CoQ10 helps with
lymphoma, mycloma, breast cancer, lung, prostate, pancreas, colon, kidney, & head/neck.
Cancer cells don't have a normal life cyle of live/die.
CoQ10 puts cancer cells into normallife/death cycle.
5 serving of fruit and vetgetalbles - 70% decrease in heart disease.
For each intake of them decrease risk by 10%.
Vit E 50mg gives 21% improvement. Vit E & __________ gives the brain a complete recovery from stroke.
Improvement from cancer risk in women from 50-80%.
Vit C
deficiencies 350% more heart attacks.
Low vit C equals 200 times more likely to die.
Some basic facts about mineral treatments and the benifits with out the drug negatives. SO WHY DONT WE USE THEM?
Have a good day .
Yesterday's Ways - Garden Pest Control
by Joni Lund on 10/27/13
Yesterday's Ways - Garden Pest Control
Prepare for 2014 by adding the following to your seed and plant orders this Winter.
Recently people have been rediscovering the validity of "old fashioned remedies". In the past people knew more about how to keep a pest free garden naturally then we know what chemical solution to use today.
Along with the common sense knowledge handed down about detoxing and healing the body with herb and minerals; the old timers knew how to naturally tend their garderns.
Companion plant solutions:
Pest Detor Garden Pest
Borage - Prized $ making Herb ~Tomato Worm
Catnip ~ Flea Beetles
~Attack Cats to a certain area
Henbit ~ Insects in general
Hyssop, Mint, Peppermint, Southern wood. ~Cabbage Moth
Rosemary ~Cabbage Moth, Bean Beetles,
~Carrot Fly, Japanese Beetle
Mint ~ Border keeps ants out of home
Sage ~ Cabbage Moth, Carrot Fly
Summer Savory ~ Bean Beetles
Tansy ~ Flying Insects, Japanese
~Beetles, Striped Cucumber
Beetles, Squash Bugs,
Thyme ~Cabbage Worm
Planting Tips
Garlic: keeps Japanese beetles away from raspberry canes, grapevines and roses, and it antiseptic qualities prevent attacks by aphids.
Marigolds' Strong scent discourages nematodes from attacking potaoes, strawberries, roses and various bulbs; also they discourage Mexican bean beetles, tomato worms and others.
Nasturtiums deter aphids, squash bugs and striped pumpkin beetles.
Mole plant: will keep moles and mice out of your garden.
Tomato Plants near aspargus will deter the asparagus beetle.
Planting beans and potatoes together, keeps potato beetles away, and the potatos will keep away Mexican bean beetles.
Glowing rabbits
by Joni Lund on 10/11/13
Two embros in a preganant rabbit were injected with jelly fish protein. The idea is that the rabbits designed to produce rabbit milk for medicine will be identifible by the glowing florecent color.
This coupled with the report of the scientists having suscessfully been able to map the human DNA, and hook up a computer to hear the DNA pattern in the form of music. The most beautifut thing I have heard. The same scientists were even more excited when they also reported that it is possible for a person to be taken and altered so that the subjects DNA could be used to smuggle all the world's information in one strangle strain of DNA, yet the carrier be unaware. DNA alterin? All these high developements. The scientist wasn't happy about the mapping, they were over enthusistic about the shipping of information in human DNA. How are authorities going to be able to tell how is the criminal? And the problems for the justice system, was this person under DNA tampering or not? Difference between being a criminal and a crime being done to you. The potential for stealing, and deception are very distrubing when you factore in many articles out there. Disturbing trend.
Eletronic skin is developed, "e skin", 10 times thinner then plastic wrap. Used to wrap around robot hands, and to moniter vitual signs. Thought is it will be used to make people hiper sensitive or communicate simpily with our skin.
A professor was control by another professor via a electronic link in 2013 also.
One's professer used thoughts to involuntary control and move the other professer.
3D brains were grown in a lab from stem cells. Cortex, Hipporcampus, and retinas. They are using these lab grown brains to study fetal development, for now.
The sesame ring is used in Boston to access public transportaion. The ring is scanned as payment. The potential for identy theft, and loss of important information is becoming a high stakes game. Remember when everything is electronic it has the potential to be completely lost, or it may be unaccessable at times. It is a common problem that people have to wait to get new debit cards because a bank has had some hacker messing with information. Then the system freezes the use of your debit card until a new one can be issued. We see it all the time in our little town.
Death by carelessness
by Joni Lund on 09/26/13
120 major power people attend a meeting world wide yearly which determines what happens to all the people of the world. Mrs. clinton has attended, Rice attended, many advicers, top 5 news organisations. etc
Research Magtac Monster
Out break hoof & mouth, virsus inhaled into their body's and exhaled when they leave from the back of their mouth & lungs (the saftey program they can't have any animals at home which could contract the disease), Lab 257, plum island, biological weapons: Lymne disease, anthrax, animal and human mutations in the animal reasearch facilities. Research moving plum island lab to kansas. Research failure of these govenment labs to contain the bioweapons, including the ticks & mosquitos, wild birds, deer, vapors, escaped animals. Lab 257 Started by a Natzi leader Trolb and Natzi scientists worked there. "Air borne virsuses which effect animals & people." Dr Roger Breaze
Also research project "bluebeam"
by Joni Lund on 09/26/13In addition to allergies to pesticides, herbicides, perservatives, artifical color and artifical flavorings, and gluten. And those enzyme deficient. There are those whom suffer from yeast allergies, sugar, Candida allergies. One in three people are allergic to yeast.
Autism vs Attention Deficit
by Joni Lund on 09/25/13
Autism is now thought to not be retardation. But a different way of thinking about things. Ie. Brain wave patterns travel differently or emit different patterns verses the general public. It is the same of those people known to be Hyperkintic.
People thought to be hyperknitc are very sensitive to chemicals in their foods and environment. Their systems automaticly react to those chemicals in an unconscious manner. Many are not aware of their behavioral changes until after they have had an episode. A form of seizure which appears to be "acting out, to grandmall seizures." They are sensitive to artifical colors and flavorings, and perservitives in foods. Even cleaning solutions.
One of the many names for their disorder is ADHD, ADD, etc.
Most of these children and adults are treated for mental illness, verses allergies. And many suffer life long social stigmas, to a life as an outcast. Most are taken advantage of by their peers. They are followers or exteme adventures.