Ask Joni Lund
Why isn't America talked about in Bible in relation to end times?
by Joni Lund on 09/25/13
The Big question is: Why isn't America talked about in the Bible in relation to the end times?
We are currently the richest most powerful country in the world.
So what gives us the right to:
1. America has killed 55 million unborn babies by abortion. This is 10 times greater then the number of deaths to the Jewish people, by the Natzis in Germany.
1. God judged Germany for less. Sent in other countries to level her.
2. Caused Germany's prosperious economy to collapes.
3. Put Germany in control by unGodly peoples. Why because the good failed to stand in the GAP, and say NO! Didn't repent of their sins and turn from their wicked ways.
4. Germany was reduced to rubble.
Hang on to your keasters.
a. I expect more ecomonic collapes.
b. I see, near before seen, nation wide natural disasters to the extent, few help the needy after a time.
c. more war, to even war on our own soils.
d. martial law nation. Which by the way was instituted in 1812 when we fought the Cubians, and in which congress has never uninstated. SO technical legally we are already living in a martial law declaration country.
e. Large scale death from loss of essential services, diseases, and food/water. Winter weather related deaths in northern regions of America.
Why else would the USA government be stock piling thousands of coffins on hundreds of acres in Missouri, and in other parts of the country. These coffins don't hold a body, they hold 4-6 bodies. They are preparing for LARGE scale deaths. Why? What aren't they telling us. Fear them or .......
See conspericy therory by Former Govenor Jesse Vanchura.
It is written in the Holy Bible that should a people forget God (Yahweh); judgement and a fall will come so hard that every knee shall bow. Think, how hard does things have to be before you will get down on your knees and put all bull shit selfishness aside, repent of your sins, ask forgiveness, and beg for life and safety? And call upon the son of Yahweh(Yahshua) for help, salvation, mercy? How hard? That is how hard it will be.
Nutrition & Healing
by Joni Lund on 09/24/13
Contrary to what the medical main stream would like you to believe, you do have control over how you heal your body. And despite the governments continual attempts to limit it, you are entitled to medical privacy and control over your health and healing.
After 12 years of steadily becoming much sicker while under the care of a traditional practioner. Then a pifney happened. What would happen if I don't follow docs advice? In my case I got much better! I Thrived. It takes common sense approach. I did hours and hours of research. I bought 850 books. Certain things you just don't stop taking, but as you get well or better things can be reduced and possible eliminated all together. As I studied and tried new things I healed. At which time I started my business. I began to pick up on subltle signs that indicated a much larger - usually surprising - diagnoses. But the more I studied, the more I discovered that even the most serious conditions could be cured with safe, simple solutions - natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Early on, it became obvious that patent medications do more harm than good and, more often than not, they only address the symptoms of a disease and do nothing to seek out or correct the underlying causes of your suffering. Make enemies with the tradionalists or not, my resolve is to make available to the public my equipment, research materials, books, and natural herbs, for them to use with their discression, will, and informed minds.
Hope all of you took time to relax your mind, body, and spirit toady. Especially having pure old fashioned low action time with the family. Board games, books and glasses of water each is a great way to grow close, quiet, and strong together. Then light chit chat. Without parents jumping to correct strongly. Do more of gentle consequense for that type of actions stories instead. So all can be at peace but learn. Same at the kitchen table. Keep peace. Jump on behaviors in scheduled I need to talk to you. Otherwise slip things in matter of factually, very causually. If they don't adjust turn the heat up on second same stupid, etc. That way they learn to pemper themselves. Believe it or not. Children do listen when we speak respectively. Even if at the time they didn't appear too. Years later, you will hear their advice come out of their lips to others when situations happen. So be careful what you pass on. This includes habits!
Chow, Have a good evening. Joni
Who is healthy enough to produce viable human offspring in the USA?
by Joni Lund on 05/11/13
Once again I have come accross a mountain of studies, programs, and research data pointing the these alarming facts.
The toxins in our food chain, in our environment, in the products we use on a regular bases, in the land, in the air, and in our water sources are so polluted scientists are finding:
1. In Fish polluations, males are exhibiting abnormal reproduction systems. That of dual genders, having immature eggs in their system, but male is infertile. Being "intersexed" or having lessions. Evidence of Endocrine systems disruptors. These disruptors are in the water systems even after treating & filtering. 2/3 s of contaminants came through the filtering to the tap. Home care products, cleaning, plastics, rubber, lubricants, Heavymetals, lawncare, antibotics, narcotics, herbicides, and pesticides.
Anphibions with 6 legs. Males with male and female genitala, some females with male genitalia.
In humans they are seeing:
1. lower sperm count.
2. 5 million people exposed to endocrine disruptors just in the mid alantic region. Yet they don't know how many are going to have pre-mature breast cancer, reproduction problems, congential abormanalities of the male genitalia (The disire for the company of male to male sex goes along with this.) "It is happening but at a broad low level rate that it isn't raising alarms in the general public." Seen as an individual flukes. But the scientists and authorities are awhere.
PCB's were banned three decades ago.(1975area) But the build up is in food web and individuals. Killer whales are showing up the most contaminated with PCB's of any species. ALARM, they eat wild fish. We eat wild fish. Whales are a brometer of the environment. What is to happen to us?
Another source had this to say.
50% of children born are Hermaphrodite; both males and femailes in the USA. Prodominantly in the USA the numbers are so high. The practice of doctors look at bone structure and surgically alter children at birth, was done up until the late 1990's. Lately, it is recommended to let the children decide when they are older wither they want surgery or not. Most don't. And their spouse accepts them as they are for the most part. I guess this works because they are honest with their spouses.
50% of men born after 1984 are born sterile. Why? PCBs. And certain sycotrophic medicines.
These PCSs also make men queer. Their testicles shrink with age, and they become more feminine as time goes on. This process is accelerated when the male patient's diets are high in environmental estrogens (chemicals which act like estrogen, so the body responds as if it is estrogen xenoestrogens)). The bodies of the men go through a change physically from men to women. These men develope the sexual desire for other men. They often become sterile if they aren't already. They may eventually grow breasts.
PCB's effect a woman as follows: they grow very large, and heavy. Recognized by thick necks. Especially strong in woman where their necks and chins seem to be one. Deep voices. They however, do not transfer genders from female to male, but stay female.
This leaves women with virtually no men to mate with. Because the men are mating with men. SO eventually numbers of humans will dramicly fall off. With mainly females left. With so few males, add the fact that, 50% or more are sterile. No children, no inheritance of children, the lost generations the Bible speaks of ? Women are also going into puberty earlier than their physical structure can accomindate. Is this related?
The women whom don't have children very young won't have children. Because their follicles will burn out in their late 20's Which is the current trend in 2000. As the earth gets more polluted the woman's follicles will probably burn out sooner. The use of estrogen supplements and birth control pills exasperate this problem.
As far as generational cures go. The follicles of a grandmother will affect the health of her daughter, granddaughter and her great-granddaughter's follicles.
These follicles determine the health of each person and the reproductive health of her daugher, granddaughter, and her great-grandaughters. It also determines the health quality of each, weither mental retarded or not; as well. This effect will carry on three generations after it starts. And a bout the fourth generation it rights ifself or completely stops. Usually reproductive life early or "life" ends early.
Dated 2000
by Joni Lund on 04/25/13
With the addition of Using my FIR, ERE, E powe) I am able to sleep better. Not experiencing aches, pains, cramping or extreme fatique anymore. Used the HTE machines for a full year. After the first 5 months of use, I had enough strength/health to change my dietry habits, which amplified the effects of useing the HTE machines. I am now slim and sexy after 5 months of use. Severty five pounds lighter. My scalp hair is growing back in, and is moist, glossy, & of a voluptuouis quality. Never has been. My eyes have improved to the point where I'll have to go in for a weaker prescription. A year later my health has improved to the point where I can weight life after a full day of aerobiatic exercise at work (16 miles). (No longer in leg/ankle/arch braces to stand and walk. Using these machines will be a life long change for me, as the effects of these machines are very dramatic on my health quality. Gone from $800. a month in medications including near constant antiboitics to one cheap thyroid supplement ($10.00 amour Thryoid) from the doctor. No more 1000 to1500 pain pills a month, no more antiacids daily all month, no more ineffective synthtic supplements, no more sleeping pills, no more nerve pills, no more laxitives, no more hardcore laxatives. No more skin problems. No more fungal and parasitic over loads. No more appetite problems & has lessened dehydration problems. Glad I rented to try out these machines, glad I bought my own set, and glad I became a distributor. Glad I offer other people the opportunity to use my machines. I find the FIR hot houses and chi machine to be very relazing. I haven't needed a chiropractor since using the chi machine. On really bad days I also use my pressure punture equipment; which are also available for public use. As well as my health library. Cold laser machine (Alleviator) releaves issues in the soft tissue of joints. Back I do once a year, ankles and knees once every six months to two years. I walk 16 miles a day with weight on my back. Summary: GREAT PAIN REDUCTION, AND A STRENGTHING OF MY SYSTEM.
Advanced ERE: I use it to help kill off a viral, bacterial, and fungus in my blood. When faithful daily, usually don't common down with anything. Or colds are a day or two. I've noticed daily use, eleminates the need for over the counter treatments for yeast infections. When you figure each treatment approxiamately $25.00 med, machine $400.00; I broke even in 12 months. Plus I am not killing my liver with antifungal creams. Also I found in the first year large parasitic organism kill offs, which were passed off rectually. For years we had dogs, cats, cattle, & horses in addition to the exposure we already have from soil, air, and the food/water we consumed.
(Alleviator) cold laser, I also suggest using in the back of knees for additional treatment of degression as published studies say it elevates happy moods when applied. I find it works, and so has two rental customers. FIR to back of knees would also help, not much, as it isn't a focused beam of light.
I also use the ZYTO COMPASS Hand cradle: This usually confirms what I ready know is going on in my body. It gives me a print out of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other supplements to take and what they are being taken for. I rent the compass for bio-surveys at $120.00 for the first time(the standard rate.) $50.00 subsequent tests. At $10.00 after the first test for customers whom buy the suggested herbs thorough me.
In addition, I am looking for an affordable high quality Hyper barbaric chamber for me and my customers. This pushes oxygen to the very core of your body, including your bones. (Theory is viral, and bacterial agents are damaged and or destroyed when used in conjunction with other oxygen infusing treatments.) Energizing too.
We are living in a time, in which, continuous oxygen depletion of our environment and toxicity build up are the norm. This is contrary to a proper functioning body, to good health: mentally, physically, & spiritually. It takes more elements (oxygen in all states), amino acids, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, etc. to hold and or to restore ur health.
First of all, is to realize, what is really happening to us.
Foods which are designed. DESIGNED. Those which are storable and full of flavor are deficient & full of toxins and allergens. They are called food but in reality they are A NEW PATENTALBE ITEM with a "food label" (something only they can make money on as they own the design), a knock off an original natural food (general rule of thumb: a single ingredient food.) or a remake off a previous designed food. Often very deficient in nutrients and contain free radical inducers hydrogenated oils, partial hydrogentated oils (not dangerous until heated - get heated by their/you cooking method & body. you use up your enzymes in your body pulling these out of your system. What do you have left to function on?), white sugar, white flour, white salt, plus those long lettered preservatives and artificial flavors/colors. Those are petroleum based, not a good thing. If you buy truely healthy foods the supply market will respond by providing you with what you want to buy. The whole idea is to get your puchasing dollars. Secondly, cheap dead foods now, will cost you a lot starting approxiamately in your forties and be a money sucking health problem until you are gone. It is like everything else, quality, produces quality. Shoody work, produces poor quality, double timing, more problems.
My equipment is the top of the line. Not the weaker, knock offs commonly found in catalog marketing bombardments. Betty Ford clinic, and the Gerson Cancer Institute uses this equipment as a supportives you may rent or buy locally from us.
The relaxation = promotes cell function. Stress shuts cell function off. My machines induce circulation and oxygen being put into system as well. All good: good body function promotes healing/health.
If calling with questions, best to catch me around 8PM - 10PM.
I prefer written correspondance by US mail. That way it is dealt with the day it comes throught the door. Otherwise, other forms of communication there is a long delay, or your missed in the large volume of paperwork I am behind on.
Have a good day. Love Joni
Though to ponder on, you are what you focus on.
Make sure you focus on what you want to be!
We are all one.
by Joni Lund on 04/15/13
We are all the beings spoken into being by the creator. We are created in the image of the creator. We are breathed to life with his breath. The creator is pure, pure glory, pure energy/power. The definination of God in the Holy Bible is the exact definiation of quantum physics. It doesn't make it any less true. The creator's son is, so we are.
We, the people of the world are one. What effects one, effects us all. As energy is moving in and out of us continually. Our thoughts generate power on certain frequencies. These go out to what you focus on. So focus on good. So focus on Loving kindness. So focus on being open, giving, and grateful. The whole world will be better for it.
Remember flowers grow out of waste products.
by Joni Lund on 03/23/13
Well, Strange as it may seem the affliction has turned into a blessing.
1. I now have an afinity for the very ill.
2. I now understand very well how God designed the human body to function. And how to balance it.
3. Lost 75 pounds in 5 months. Yhea!
4. Now have material to write a book on.
5. Found a kindred spirit!
6. Have healed more spiritually then in any other form this year.
7. Understand how to heal the human body. Often turning back time mediforicly.
8. Have an overwhelming desire to heal and educate people.
9. Have a great deal of information to share with my public for all our sakes. Suppliment information, reciepes and the alike.
10. The first advice I give is to eat according to the needs of your blood type. Otherwise unwelcome chemical changes negatively afflict the body.
11. Most inportantly, get right with the creator. Humble yourself, ask for, seek, and ye shall find.
All I am, I am because of Jesus Christ, his salvation, and his will.
by Joni Lund on 02/05/13
!2th Annual leather debut is May 17, 18, 19, 2013
at: Sugarland Mining Company Dining Room
Holiday Inn
1809 Sugarland Dr.
Sheridan, Wy
(307) 672-8931
Registration Deadline is May 1, 2013 by 11:59 (CST), Mailing must be completed no later than April 29, 2013.
Call: Brian Stelzel (715) 362-5393 for detail or website at The Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal, Rhinelander, WI 54501-3777
More than $8,600. in cash and prizes this year.
A healthy Mushroom Soup
by Joni Lund on 02/05/13
one larger box of fresh mushrooms, cleaned, stems removed; diced or minced.
1 pint of whipping cream
2 Cups of chicken broth with our perservatives, growth hormone free if possible
1/8 cup reserved, chicken broth or water to liquify the thickener, approxiamately.
1/4 tsp nutmeg, organic. may be slightly more if you like.
2 Tbslp butter, color & grow hormone free if possible
1 clove of organic garlic, may increase or decrease to taste during next cooking.
1/2 of large white onion, diced, organic if possible
1/4 tsp black pepper (B blood type are sensitive to)
1 tsp himalayan pink salt
1-2 Tblsp white rice flour ( B blood types should avoid cornstarch, & most grain flours, including tapioca.)
In dish add: Nutmeg to flour. Blend well. Add enough of reserved broth/water to liquifiy the flour mixture. Set aside for final step.
In 10"-12" frying pan, Saute on medium high: butter, onion, garlic, nutmeg, & mushrooms until onions are nearly clear. Do not burn. Stir ingredients through whole processes with flat edge turner. Adjust temperature as needed.
Add: chicken broth, stir well. Then add cream, stir well. When onions are very near the tenderness you like add flour/nutmeg liquid mixture. Stir dilgently until thickened. Needs to come nearly to, or up to a boil at this point. Remove from heat. Serve or put in jelly jars (cool before freezing) and freeze until needed as canned cream of mushroom soup substitute. approx. 1 1/2 C equals canned soup.
Joni Lund's personal reciepe
Alert Methane Gas can cause your well water from tap to explode!
by Joni Lund on 02/05/13
"Areas in which drilling including areas where oil or gas companies are involved can increase or decrease levels of methane gas which moves in or out of your wells. When too much methane gas is in your tap water any spark, lite candle, or igniation source can igniate your water causing a burst of flames and/or explosions!
Plus no one knows the side effects of drinking of, bathing in or laundring in water higher than 7-9 ppm of methane gas in water.
Methane gas filter system costs $8,000.00 "
This information attained on Feb 5, 2013 from
Live from Leather crafting land
by Joni Lund on 10/09/11
Busy busy. Two carved paintings in two weeks plus my other job.
Tried to different things.
One: a only carved pattern with a stamped inverted border. It turned out beautifully. A great skill building pieces. Lots of cuts to the left and right. Which by the end had me doing my own things while picking up more skills. Finished piece is approx 16" x 20". Needs you to frame. Fire bird.
Second: piece was a remake of Gene Noland type work. But I put a leather and rubber cement plug under it to give lift to the mallard. Then figured carved in the Rob Bar style. Also a great talent stretcher. The Mallard piece won at the Bowdon art show. Yahoo!
The mallard piece is also for sale. approx 10" x 14" Dark deep colors
When trying embossing leather add an extra day, so plugs caa dry before carving.
Live from Gluten free Hell
by Joni Lund on 10/09/11
Things have been going very well health wise since abandoning pasta, breads, wheat flour foods and cereals since August 2011.
BUT I am at a stage of if I have to see or eat another healthy gluten free food I'll, I'll.....
you may be there too.
So I am going to give you this receipe to help. Rich tasting gluten free food. Hope it helps you too. It is an old family favorite, than God for beginings in Johnny Carson land.
Joni Lund's Pink Cloud Dessert (* Not for people with ADHD)
1 pkg (3oz) strawberry gelatin, regular or sugar free*
1 C. water, hot fresh boiled
1 (10oz pkg) frozen strawberries, keep frozen*
3/4 C heavy whipping cream, whip before using
1tsp vanilla extract real not imitation
1 Tblsp *white sugar or sugar substitue, not honey
1 banana, sliced into discs
1C and 1/2 C *cool whip, regular or lite; instead of heavy whipping cream
1 pkg. (3oz.) *strawberry flavored gelatin with
1 cup boiling water.{put dry gelatin in bowl, then pour hot water over.
Stir until gelatin is dissolved.(not sugar like particles visible.)
10 oz. pkg of frozen, *frozen strawberries. Chunked up
STIR until strawberries are thawed in the jello mixture. PREPARE YOUR WHIPPED CREAM NOW.
As the strawberries thaw, once jello starts to thicken, chill in refirgerator for a few minutes, until syrupy consistancy (5 to 20 minutes so check often. Too runny melts cream, too set won't blend with cream)
Take 3/4C heavy whipping cream - whip until stiff (add 1 Tblsp *sugar & 1 tsp vanilla extract as you whip, test in teeth to see if sugar is whipped-crystals; it isn't whiped enough).
FOLD into gelatin mixture. Gentle over or under motion with rubber scrapper)
Then fold in 1 banana - sliced. Keep bananas under mixture. Prep mold to release food easily)
Pour into 1 quart mold.
Chill until firm. Couple hours.
Turn onto plate. Garnish with fruit.
OPTION Use cool whip instead of heavy whipping cream
Amount differs. Pre thaw out cool whip a few hours before use. Gentle fluff up with spoon before adding to jello mixture.
1 and 1/2 Cups boughten *frozen whipped cream, but it takes away alot of the flavor when used in place of cream.
Cooking Tip
by Joni Lund on 09/14/11
It is the season for Zuchini. They are about 95% water. When cooked they can water log themselves.
1. Use smaller zuchinis before the seed area develops.
2. Remove the pulp & seed area on them before using.
3. The larger ones can be ground up and used in cake and cookie recipes. Usely 1C to 2C at a time. Freeze the rest for later. Label with name & Amount. Don't worry about getting every last drop on water bagged with them. This will help take some moisture off them.
Keep in mind if your having a dry gardening season or wet. As this will affect the moisture in the Zuchini.
Use them in place of lagnza. But coat with flour or flour substitue plus add a Tblsp more thickener to reciepe.
Use in homemade chocolate cakes. Very moist & chocolatey.
Sorry worked so hard Yesterday. I drifted off to sleep before blogging.
No avail........
by Joni Lund on 09/14/11Dilgently typing away, then accidently bumbing the wrong keys, and loosing all your blogging.
hard at it then....
by Joni Lund on 09/11/11
I'll tell you tommorrow.
PS Tomorrow is Monday, Last day to call 202-225-2611
request the House of Representatives to support H.R.1351.
(This changes laws to allow Post Office to take monies over paid to retirement accounts and use to pay yearly operation debt. Which in turn would keep the Postal Service open in the USA.)
Yard Sale.
by Joni Lund on 09/10/11
9/10/11 Sat
Long hot day in the sun. With evening temperature still at 73 degree.
Too many things happening around ND today. Mandan had a Pow Wow, Circle Trail Ride was held Fri, Today & tomorrow.
So a slowto nearly no shoppers. For those interested, we still have the tow hitch measures 41 1/2" to 42" between vechile frame.
Circle Trail Ride Will be have a short Sunday ride. Be there before 9AM @ about 17 miles E. of Sheyenne,ND on Blktop (Eddy County#1). Watch for small "Trail Ride signs" hosted by Cleus Walter. Cell Randy Tedrow 701 302-0630.
Herra, Hurry Y'all come!
LIFE > In this kind of war, you've got to believe in what you're fighting for."