by Joni Lund on 08/10/14
Faith is seeing light, when all your eyes see is darkness .
What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract,
What you imagine, you create .
Before you "assume" try this crazy method called "asking".
When Things are falling apart, they may be actually be falling into place (a healing).
Watch your thoughts , they become words
watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
When you don't react to your spouses sarcastic digs, God will work in his heart. We often react in the moment, without comtemplatimg the long-term consequences of our behaviors.
Reckless words from a hard spouse pierce like a sword. Proverbs 12:18
The secret to success in marriage is to keep their negative thoughts about each other from overwhelming their positive ones.
Adversity introduces a man to himself.
Once married, you will began to get aglimpse of another side of you, the one that your not aware of that existed nor find attractive. You will see how much you liked your own way and how angry you could get when you didn't get it. You'll also get a a peek at the huge amount of pride you have had when you blieved you were right and your spouse was wrong. You will see how you have a tendency to hang on to your hurts(even nurse them along) and how little you are willing to forgive and let go of things your spouse did that you didn't like or approve of. As a married person you can't just end the relationship and move onto another. You have to stay in the marriage and deal with the problem, work it out, and even appolize!
Real love and maturity teaches us to love unconditonally. Which makes for hard times the first fives years or less. But if you can both work together, it is extemely rewarding in the end.
Dont focus on what your spouses does wrong to you; but rather what is being brought out in you that is unhealthy. And fix those. Work on yourself.
This doesn't mean there isn't communication between both of you. or avoidance. Actually avoidance makes it worse. A few minutes bring the temper down and descelate is a good idea. But separation no.
To treat others like yourself would you:
Beat your self, make you sleep on the floor, make your self sleep in the car or other room, feed yourself the poor cuts of food, make yourself have less, make yourself go hungry, make your self stay up all night full demands. Have your spouse berate you, scream at you, scream at you for hours, Physically harm you, pay all the bills and have soul responsibitlity for how things turn out, work all the time while your spouse drinks, watches TV and unwinds, Make yourself do things which are bad for your health. Make yourself do all the chores (yard, in home, children) and keep up with a job. Make yourself eat hot dogs while spouse eats steak, eat what you didn't like all the time, only watch what you didn't like on TV, Have spouse talk only about what you didn't like to talk about, have no say in how anything is done. Give up your dreams, interests to service your spouse hand and foot, Have sex in a unfullfilling way manner or never have sex, Allow your souse to have sexual privilages outside the marriage while you wait and wait for your spouses affections & attention, let your spouse make you jump through double standard hoops of double failure consequencies, let your spouse steal from you or lie to you when you ask for trust and honesty, let your spouse physically abuse your when you bring up these matters, let your spouse beat you when you asked for the abuses to stop, would you expect your spouses addictions to rule the environment & finances in your home?
Of course not
so why do you expect your spouse to accept such things????
From YOU!