"Coffee Hollow Jericho"
Mammoth Donkey Jack 

And At STUD in 2020
(Willingly breeds horses, even in pasture settings.)
14.1 hh & 1300 lbs.
Color: Sorrel White Points (Red/Blonde mane & tail)
Branded: yes
Breed: Mammoth Donkey Jack
Double Registered: AMJR # 39388 and DMS # A-13666
Conformation: 100% Square, 100% correct & balanced.

Sire: Coffee Hollow A-Male #38387 Champion show and performance jack.
Sire High point donkey yr 2000, Won 1st and 2nd in all classes including
trail, barrels, reining, snigging cart, western pleasure.
Dam: Dr. Aaron's Buffy Low #38802
Coffee Hollow mules bring
$5,000. to $8,000. a piece; before/by the age of 3 years.
Jericho has horse type conformation to make well portioned mules

and donkeys. (Both: Harness & Saddle types).
Nice round hip; not flat or rafter hipped.
Straight legs, nice head & good neck top & bottom(to avoid ewe necked mules).
His bite: even teeth.
Smart and friendly. Didn't buck/fuss when saddled out of the blue.
100% black foals when bred to Bay horse mares.
Breed to draft mare

= Heavy Draft animal.
Tall slim mares for tall thinner riding stock.= Riding, dressage, driving
QH for a thick quarter horse type
= Riding, driving, lite draft
Paso for Paso type = Riding, pack, driving, jumping,
chore animal
Pony for pony type = Cart, child mule, yard piece.
On Site AI: Stud$450. /Booking$200./ per copulation Fee: $650.
Off Site AI: Stud$450/Booking$200./ per each AI a collection Fee: $650.
Shipping: ( approx. $130 or more)
Cooled seman shipping container deposit $89.00 refunded when returned in good shape.
Frozen seman shipping container deposit $1000.00 refunded when tank returned in good shape.
Prices don't include AI shipping or boarding.
Hand or Pasture breeding: Mares will have bite injuries or worse!
Horse refusal pisses off donkey studs, then they get rough.

Stud/Booking; $650. per copulation (copulation period/collection

Prices don't include boarding.
Donkey News
Donkeys: The mammoth donkeys are considered a "Threatened" species.
Threatened = Fewer then 1,000 annual registrations in the United States and estimated

global population less than 5,000 animals.
"Critical" = the next negative step; defined as fewer then 200 annual registrations in

the United States and estimated global population of less then 2,000.
"Extinct" = ................
Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys are on the "Recovering" List.
I read some where about Mammoth jacks are now rare.
Only 26 registered in the USA of those only 7 with square correct conformation which Jericho is one of. Plus his is the ruminant of the Old Kentucky blood line going back since the Civil War.