Remember to those whom must date: violence occurs in 1 in 4 relationships.
1 in 3 women are sexually assaulted wither in a marriage relationship or not. 4/29/2015
Many users/abusers refuse to change yet they consistently find ways to dupe good hearted people into falling in love with them.
1. Why do these men and women intend on getting you to fall in love with them and then proceed bot ruin you life?
2. What kind of tactics do they use?
3. How do you determine the difference between true love and their false intentions?
God's plan comes complete with peace of mind, absolute stability, and prosperity. With no decrease, no divorce, and no child custody battles.
There are many SLICK whom claim to know God up it is only for show. Satan's plan is to send a handsome derelict to ruin your life, health and fiances; then they flee. In the wake of toyed emotions, played body, jerked heart, get infected with a infectious disease, leave you with an enormous stack of bills you could never pay off yourself, ruin your credit, force you into bankruptcy, and a stormy marriage.
Discerning wether a potential mate is God's plan or if their are dead set on ruining your life via sin.
Secret Agenda.
No amount of advice from you or anyone else, no long talks, counseling or therapy is going to change their CALLOUS HEARTS. Some claim they have found God but THEIR ACTIONS WILL PROVE THEIR WORDS TO BE BASELESS EMPTY CONFESSIONS. Slick operators commonly use church attendance an vain religious talk as a last ditch effort to make you believe they have a heart to follow God.
Prying and pleading with these types of people hoping to modify their behavior is like pleading with and interceding for the like of Pharaoh, Hitler, and Judas.
THE ONLY OPTION YOU HAVE IS be straightforward and get them out of your life immediately!!!!!
They are bona fide masters at using the ART OF PERSUASION & SEDUCTION. Hands of silk, eyes like diamonds, voice of an angel but HEARTS COLD AS STONE.!
It is the Bail and switch of CON MEN or WOMEN!
The secret plot is to lure you into a marriage from hell.
No one wants to be married to a NABAL.
Churlishly individual: cruel, severely disrespectful, stiff necked, and always in trouble. To be grievous of heart and hard hearted. Abigail was a religious church women. Whom spent her entire life married to Nabal spent dispersing to his drunkenness, cleaning up after his disgraceful acts, putting up with his cruelty to her and his harshness to others. Nabal put on a BIG SHOW for Abigail family, lied , lied in vows & etc. with NO INTENTIONS ON BEING ANYTHING BUT SELFISH< HARD AND self serving at ay cost..The earth is filled with Nabals & Delilah's! over 8 million annually according to substitutes. Men like Nabal are pre-trained to be emotionally detached husband, abusive boyfriends and to impregnate females then abandon them. You don't want to spend 2 years dating, get married and waste 7 more years before if becomes apparent that your husband will never qualify to be anything more than a BOY in a man's body. Or whom wants a wife that sets out to ruin your day.

NEVER become someone's Significant other until you have discerned
1. Is your potential mate dead set on dragging your heart and emotions through the abusive lovers gauntlet?
2. Are they determined to fulfill the Lord's glorious plan for you love life? This means all areas of your life.

Three Points to be sure of:

1, Slick operators

2. Baits used

3. Traps to fall in.
1Slick operators-. look the look, but don't walk the walk.
2. baits: how the harmed viewed former love or ex-spouse: my soul mate, knight in shining armor, charming, love of my life, magnetic personality, sexually appealing, really good friend, just what I was looking for, love at 1st sight, made me laugh, a godsend, attractive, irresistible, hypnotizing, enchanting, breath of fresh air, fun loving, swept me off my feet, easy going, a dream come true, my princess, charismatic, captivating, my one and only love, a great catch, a voice of authority, alluring, indescribable, impressive, took my breath away, baits used by most slick operators. They look and sound like normal people. They are ruthlessly proficient at detecting a person's natural desires and play them like a violin.
3. Traps - a concealed or camouflaged device designed to seize, injure, maim, or destroy. To a void a trap, 1st you have to be aware it exists. The key words are conceal & camouflage. Hide faults & true wants. Slick operators realize a sane person will exit as soon as they are aware they are in a trap; so slick operators work hard to conceal their true character and secret plot at least until they feel they have captured your heart.
A lot of men brought up in hard social conditions and practicing teen and pre-marital sex can have personality flips on the dime.
They have no guilt about slapping, hitting, choking or kicking a female. Slick operators won't let go easily.
If your mate fails The Trap Test: STOP YOUR Relationship Immediately! NOT TOMORROW, NOW!
Many women, have tried their best to change heartless womanizers into sincere, caring, loving, and moral men. It would be more successful to photograph aliens. Their decision to stay turned theirs lives into miserable pain based lover's nightmare.
ARE you fully prepared and absolutely willing to be my mate's: Surrogate Parent, False Alibi, Anger Management Warden, Floor Mat, Punching Bag, Pornographic Material Monitor, Victim of Love, Emotional Haywire Security Guard, Infidelity Investigator or Drug and Alcohol Interdiction Agent. If your answer is NO. Then evaluate your MIND,& ACTIONS.
They are pre-programmed to be pathological liars, users, abusers and homestretches. A person's character, whether good or bad, is shaped by that association that influences their lives. Their values, become their values.
Abuses 1. start by abusing their "beloved pets" Learn to abuse the women they claim to love. They start by torturing animals.

2. Fill their heart, mind, and soul with hatred; until it's all you know. Until your conscience becomes a fiery tomb. Conditioned

3. Their create their own beliefs, rules, & laws. They teach themselves to be love with deception, malice, indifferences, abuse, and
3 Primary methods used to train slick operators
1. consciences corrupted by immoral men/women
2. consciences corrupted by media, music, and Hollywood, video games
3. victims of circumstances
There are websites that teach How to Lie to women, date two women at once, waging revenge on your ex, cheating can be healthy for a relationship, power will get you sex, player's secret sex guide, patience with seduction, the shelf life of sex partners. mastering one nightstands, approaching and seducing women, how to lie, defraud, and deceive their way into your heart, how to have an affair with out getting caught, how to have every girl you want, how to destroy her emotional defenses, how to use her emotional vulnerabilities to your advantage, get females to have casual sex, how to get booty call for life, get PG and get paid, how to control a woman's mind,
They learn to value women as objects of potential pleasure, a piece of booty.
There are four type of people vulnerable to being trapped.
1. God haters.
2. Spiritually immature - church goers whom don't who don't understand God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or the kingdom of God.
3. The Rebellious
4. Feeble-minded: weak willed, easily convinced, swayed or persuaded.
The SLICK pick church goers because church goers will repeatedly take the abuse with an excuse.
1. Guard Eyes - don't watch evil or lewdness or sexual perversion things in TV, magazines, movies, videos, DVD's, pornographic stuff, Gaming. Anything which shows violence and uncontrollable anger as a normal way to express one's emotions or stress.
2. Guard ears - words are seeds, once you allow bad seeds to enter your gate it slowly erodes your ability to discern right from wrong and good from evil. Including music or any other media.
3. Guard Mind - have sober, have sound, ready mind.(ROM 12:2 & Isaiah 26:3-4) When you fail to guard your mind you will have a easily shaken mind, weak mind, blinded mind, a despiteful mind, evil affected mind, chafed bitter mind, double-minded mind, reprobate mind.
4. Guard Heart - (proverbs 4:20-27 & Ephesians 6: 10-18, Psalm 1) Because you will be tempted and entice almost everywhere you go. Satan will send people into your life to trip you up. They will prey upon your natural desires, promising you pleasures, fun, excitement, riches, satisfaction, and sexual freedom.
5. Guard your conscience - (Acts 23:1) THE ONLY WAY TO GUARD YOUR CONSCIENCE IS NOT TO VIOLATE IT. Each time you do, it becomes easier to do the wrong thing; and even easier the next time. What you are then doing is turning yourself into a SLICK OPERATOR by searing/de-calibrating your conscience.
Set your standard to be with a partner who is committed to always guard these five vital areas.
WHEN you find and fall in love with that person, you can always count on them to cover you with love, prayer, and protection.
They will never hurt you or betray you and they will never leave you crying in the dark.
MEDIA :Alters a persons character and influences people to carry out immoral acts and evil deeds. Grand theft auto teaches kids the spirit of a felon: conditioning their minds to scheme, connive, and wreak havoc against society. Buying those games seems small but the fact that you think it is of little influence makes in the most dangerous. Music lyrics and these so called safe games countless males to be sneaky, abusive, and cold hearted. Makes little boys preconditioned to grab, slap, hit, punch, kick and rape women. With media influence young men have spent most of their lives learning to devalue and degrades women and treat them as if they were common prostitutes. Including the buy this and you'll get booty ads. And teaches females to misuse their gender and give out sex.
Planned Parenthood sites promote sex, indoctrinating kids to kissing, hugging, body rubbing, touching, sexual intercourse in defined sex play turning the gift of marriage into an amusement park, sport, a game they have a right to enjoy without interference from parents or anyone else. Teens boys are already pre-programmed to ruin a woman's life and giggle about it.
Measure you potential mates conscience by
1. type of movie, videos, TV, & cable they watch
2. type of music they listen to and buy, video games they play: steal, kill, etc.
3 type of weskits they visit.
4. groups, organizations, cults, clubs they follow or have joined.
5. type of friends and associates they socialize with
6. type of people they idolize, admire and try to emulate
7. type of books, magazines, and publication they read And buy
8. their philosophies, delegates, and beliefs,
9. their relationship or lack of relationship with God
10. their positions on cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and addictions
11. their position on pornography, homosexuality, lesbianism
12. their position on abortion, coerced abortion and forced abortion
13. their position on teen sex, pre-marital sex, forced sex, and date rape
14. their position on fornication and adultery
15. their position on living together, also known as cohabitation
16. their position on stalking, verbal, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse
17. their position on marriage, separation, divorce, children and family
18. their position on keeping their word and making a commitment
19. their potion on ending an engagement and halting a dating relationship
What people read, watch, people they admire, and idolize directly influences the condition of their mind and Conscience.
They may be from social high class, financially successful or not; BUT if they enjoy things that incites violence or degrades women and promotes illicit sex >>> you don't have to wonder or pray about their conscience IT IS CORRUPT!
People get corrupted and become slick operators by:
1. Corrupted by immoral men and women.
2. Corrupted by media; including music, and games
3. Are victims of circumstances.
Victims: Have had no one in their lives to protect and nurture them and no one who cares about their well being or safety. IN a harsh rigorous lifestyle riddled with lewdness, desertion, and rejection, they they must fend for themselves victimized by heartless predators. Afterwards they are left to juggle depression, flashbacks, thoughts of worthlessness, feeling or revenge, suicidal tendencies, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders and frisly memories. They have never known love or compassion. They have only known fear confusion, hurt, and anguish. This treatment has conditioned them to hurt others and to act without a conscious. Many of them struggle with bitterness towards God, hatred of men, anger against women, rage at the world, sexual hang ups. And they don't see how corrupted they are, gripped with SHAME.
Are they or you a victim of circumstances?
1. never knew their biological father due to mother's promiscuity. parental fraud, or refusal to let father be involved in their lives.
2. Father was overbearing, cold, unsupportive, non-talkative or a controller, womanizer, liar, rollingstone, or con Artist.
3. they were neglected or abandoned by mother or father, orphaned, raised by the state or raise by reluctant family, friends, relatives.
4. Boys raised by single moms with no stable, strong male father figure
5. They were raised by a domineering mother or my a woman how hates men
6. Mother gave birth to them when she was just a pre-teen or teenager
7. raised in a household filled with host to, criticism & ridicule, instead of one filled with love, care, cultivation, nurturing & instruction.
8. Raised in a home filled with domestic violence or verbal threats
9. victim of child abuse, (starvation, or other demoralizing punishment)
10, victim of incest, rape, gang rape, molestation or other sexual exploitation
11. adopted or raised by a homosexual, lesbian, transsexual, bisexual, cross dresser, transgender or any other sexually unrestrained person
12. parents married - went separate ways but never divorced
13. parents involved in a bitter child custody battle or child support dispute
14. parents(s) addicted to alcohol, drugs, or other pharmaceuticals
15. Parent(s) suicidal, diagnostic with depression, bipolar disorder, bordering personality disorder or any other type of mental illness or
psychiatric challenge
16. siblings suffered form depression, suicidal tendencies, addictions or involved in other self-destructive behaviors
17. victim of a nomadic lifestyle - never had a stable home life
18. parents never married or did marry but divorced
19. parent(s) convicted of a crime(s) or involved in criminal activity
20. Parent(s) had children born out of wedlock
21. parent(s) perspicuous, involved in adultery, fornication, pornography or other illicit sexual practices
22. they were never taught any basic life skills such as apologizing, forgiveness, respecting, appreciating or being sensitive to others. 23. they never learned the proper way to respond when wronged or hurt. They never learned how to handle pressure, stress or setbacks.
24. They never learned how to deal with temptations, enticements, loss, sin, anger, wrath, or malice.
Most victims of circumstances are sincere in their relationship and marital aspirations; but because their consciences have been damaged they become a danger to whoever they enter a relationship with.
Ask Your self
1. Is my potential mate a trained relationship or marriage destroyer?
2. Has their mind and conscience been corrupted?
3. Has my potential mate lost his or her capacity to have a normal emotions?
4. Is my potential mate a victim of circumstances?
5. To their own detriment, has my potential mate been influenced by the media, music and or Hollywood?
6. Does my potential mate hold any bizarre beliefs or philosophies concerning love, sex, relationships, or marriage?
7. Has my potential mate been influence of immoral men & women?
Do You Know
1. where they live
2. what they do, work, socially, privately
3. past relationships, schooling, work habits
4. why moved?
5. personality traits they are hiding. Mask of gentlemen, violent temper, toy with your emotions/mind, Beware of theft of heart or money by
6. .Past track record except what they tell you, verses their friends and family, peers. History: married or not, shacking up or not. Pay bills or
not. How deal with anger.
7. Secretive?
8. Do they relate with their family?
You need to know their past!
TRUTH -invites examination. Lies, fraud, & deceit shun examination
SINCERITY - of heart does not shun it. No masks, falsehoods, disguises, exaggerations
TRUSTWORTHY - people expect it. Means look forward to examination.
TRUE LOVE - demands it. Means to ask to be informed of vital information.
Code to Live by: If I cannot get to know your family, examine your background , past history, an track record, we will not have a future.
Does it feel like the two of you are dating or courting on a deserted or secluded island? Are you sneaking around to date this person? Are you participating in a secret relationship? Are you isolated from people who truly love you and sincerely care about you? Does any one else know about this relationship? have you made plans to tell your family and friends about this person after you elope or after you marry? Have you or your potential mate stooped so low as to be deceptive about he relationship to your family or friends? Have you intentionally not told your family and friends certain things about your potential mate, fearful that they may disapprove or you and this person? IF YES to any your in a trap.
Warning Signs of Fantasy Life:
1. Regularly act on impulse.
2. Often insist on having their way
3. They are inconsiderate of those they claim to love.
4. Often reject sound advice and shun godly wisdom
5. Their life is about material things and the pleasures they will enjoy.
A. Always switching jobs or places of residence
B. inability to maintain friendships
C. Always starting a new venture/business
D. dropped out of high school and refused to continue education.
E. Dishonorably discharged from the military
F. Cracking under the pressure of life's challenges or pressures?
G. Gambling?
H. Using drugs or alcohol.
Would you pursue a spoiled man or women?
1. be rotten
2. be tainted or unfit for use.
3. be in the process of decaying
4. impair the value or quality of
5. plunder,
6. disrupt an disturb
Saying they will . . . . at a certain time or under certain conditions, but don't. They lied.
Once you sanction lying, by tolerating it, you trap yourself. The only people for whom lying becomes normal are thieves, criminals, liars, cheaters, wife beaters, adulterers, old-diggers. . . and the people who believe them.
Mix this with a feeble minded person and you'll a revolving door of : I forgot to pay, I can stop drinking anytime I want!, I over slept, I will work extra time on off day to make up for day to lazy and drink. I got fired again. Drug test failed. Bail me out of jail but it wasn't my fault baby. Your life will be full of poverty, and dealing with the police. and legal troubles.
Don not commit to any joint finances prior to marriage! PERIOD. If they insist, dump them.
A Lover's quarrel is not slapping someone's face, grabbing them by neck or gripping them by jaw, jamming head down, pushing them out of car, throwing them out of house butt naked, threatening to hurt you or themselves, or threats to kill . . or destroy . . .
Do you have a history of breaking up and making up with this person? Slick operators are skilled at easing there way back into a person's life. The only way to end the cycle is to do a complete break. You have to go COLD TURKEY with these people.
Discrepancies in the things your mate has told you?
Putting some through a hellish marriage. Then a combative divorce and now trying to appear amicable. This is not the picture of a person with a rational mind.
8 Relationship tests
1. Have you discovered that your potential mate has blatantly lied to you?
2. Do you detect evidence of instability or unreliability in your potential mate?
3. Do you see evidence that your potential mate does not handle their fiances with wisdom, discretion, or good judgement?
4. Do you find yourself making excuses or alibis for this person to other people?
5. Do you have a history of breaking up and making up with this person?
6. Have you noticed a pattern of them blaming others for their sin, lies, poor judgement or indiscretions?
7. Do you see discrepancies in things your potential mate has told you?
8. Does your potential mate watch soap operas or read romance, erotica or other fictional novels that inspire, inflame or invoke a fantasy enity?
Why do People have the urge to merge.
1. Gives them a sense of power/control.
2. Trying To Satisfy a Need to feel loved
3. Getting Revenge against an EX
4. Refusal to discipline their sexual urges
5. Father shopping for a disposable dad
6. It's their way of rebelling against God
7. They were Sexually abused
8. Trying to mask hurt
9. A desire to self-destruct
10. A feeling of invincibility
11. They are in self-denial
When a potential mate has been sexually active before they met you, there are some things you must ponder.
1. The effects of having pre-teen and teen sex.
2. The effects of having multiple sex partners,
3. The effects of having an abortion or multiple abortions.
Teens and Pre Teens whom Have a Urge to Merge are suggest to bring some or all of these ten harmful character traits into a relationship:

1. Rage & anger over being betrayed

2. Urge to "get back" at the opposite sex

3. They blame God for their relationship woes

4. Cannot emotionally attach or bond to children

5. Unable to trust or make a commitment

6. Debasement of sex

7. Dehumanize sex

8. Deep guilt or regret

9. Depression
10. Suicidal tendencies
People with the Urge to Merge syndrome will use any of the 10 methods below:
Casual sex partners
steady girl or boy friend
live-in partners
marriage, serial marriages
extra-marital affair(s)
forced sex, date rape, rape
strippers, call girls, prostitutes
sex with minor(s)
homosexuality among males
lesbianism among females.
Urge means to drive; press; push impel forward or onward forcefully. 2. to press the mind or will of; to ply with motives, arguments, persuasion, or importunity . 3. a strong restless's desire. 4. to stimulate or to excite to action.
Merge - 1. to cause to be absorbed in gradual stages 2. to combine or unite 3. to cause to be swallowed up; to immerse; to sink; to absorb.
syndrome - 1. a group of signs and symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition, 3. a distinctive or characteristic pattern of behavior.
They will not rest until they have secured a sex partner to have sex with. They just want a body; they don't care about emotions, aspirations, physical well-being and the feelings that go with it.
This process of corruption starts with pornographic materials. Strip clubs. Then wait around for church people. Show interest in their ministry and life. Convince them God sent him to answer prayer for a husband. Next hold hands and pray together. Then a sneaked gentle kiss. Warm embrace. The passionate I Love You. Then after getting into their panties. HE GONE>
If pressured into marriage he will say "will you merry me" verses "will you marry me". there is a big difference in the meaning. Then his wife thinks she is going to teach him how to respect marriage vows and communicate with her. To teach him to respect his marriage vows was like teaching him to speak a foreign language. Of course his advisors where strippers, bar flies, other in marriage troubles, etc. Next was to get weary of a wife's questions and demands. He didn't love her, never even liked her she was just a means to an end. Well after the dreams he filled her head with where getting thin, and he had his fill of sex. HE STARTED THE OHTER TRICK for slick operators.: He started an theater argument, blame their victim for not being more trusting and for ruining a good thing, and THEN HURRIEDLY EXIST the RELATIONSHIP!
When it comes to crossing the line and becoming perverted, depraved, queer, deviant or abnormal, they do not get it. YOU MUST GET IT AND PROTECT YOURSELF! They are a detriment to themselves, to you and to society.
1. Has a history of easily entering and exiting relationships and now they want to be in a relationship with you.
2. Has a history of always being in a relationship with someone whether (married, engaged, boy or girl friend, live-in lover, casual sex partner, etc.)
3. Barely knows you but claims to love you, or claims to have fallen in love with you
4. Barely knows you but claims they can't live without you.
5. Presently has a wife, husband, fiance, fiancee, boy or girl friend, or live-in lover but they want to be in a relationship with you.
6. is separated from their spouse, is in the process of getting a divorce, or is having marital turmoil but they want to be in a relationship with you
7. Has just finalized a divorce and now they are pursuing a relationship with you
8. Still harboring feelings for their ex-husband or ex-wife, (whether romantic, sexual, anger, bitterness, vengeance, wrath, malice, etc.) but they still want to be in a relationship with you.
9. just broke up with a girl or boy friend and has immediately set about to enter into a relationship with you.
10. has ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, ex-lovers, and people they were engaged to, with whom they have not doused out all of the flames and have not severed all soul, flesh, spiritual ties, but they want to be in a relationship with you anyway.
Sex related symptoms and behaviors
1. Has had causal sexual encounters, one-night stands, nymphomania tenancies
2. Has had numerous ex partners
3. has had sex with minors
4. has initiated forced sex, raped someone or been involved in a sex crime(s)
5. Has been involved in orgies, group sex or swapped sex partners.
6. carries condoms in their wallet, purse, pocket, glove compartment, etc
7. has engaged in sex with inmate(s) while incarcerated
8. is a single female whom has prescription for birth control
9. Has had live-ins partners
10. started having sex as a pre-teen or teen
11. has been married and divorced multiple times
12. has been or presently is a stripper, go-go dancer, call girl or prostitute
13. has dated or had sex with strippers, g0-go dancers, call girls or prostitutes
14. has patronized strip clubs, peep shows, bathhouses or other sexually related houses of ill repute
15. has a history of sexual transgression in the family lineage
16. has bought, sold or used Ecstasy, GHB or any other type of date rape drug
17. They say they are heterosexual but they have intimate relationships with cross-dressors, transgendered, transsexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals or lesbians. They frequent establishments catering to the same, or they have engaged in sex with the same and now they are pursuing a relationship with you.
18. has previously contacted any of the various types of STD's
19. Has been sexually active in time past - but has not tested for the HIV/AIDES virus and has not had a comprehensive exam for STD's.
20. Men and women addicted to or who enjoy any form of pornography
21. Men and women who have worked in or presently work in the pornographic industry in any shape form or fashion
22. is involved in or has been involved in deviant sexual practices such as partner swapping, pedophilia, sadomasochism, bestiality, necrophilia, etc.
child related symptoms and behaviors
she has multiple children by different men
he has multiple children by different women
she has had a abortion or multiple abortions
he has talked, forced, coerced, compelled or manipulated a woman into having an abortion(s).
has a child or children they fathered or gave birth to then abandoned them, gave them up for adoption, turned them over to the state, the state took them by force of law, or they dumped their child or children off on family members or friends
they have previously gotten married due to an unplanned pregnancy.
To continue in a relationship with this person without wise counsel would be to blatantly risk your health, safety, peace of mind, emotions, your future, and that of your family's.
Your response to these patterns might be:
it's possible, I don't know, I hope not, I never asked, I assumed not, I don't think so, I don't put it past them!, what is that?, I'm not sure.
STD's are the leading cause of infertility.
Side physical effects if having an abortion:
Diarrhea, fever, vomiting, abdominal tenderness, damage to the uterine lining, cervical laceration, miscarriages, permanently infertility, excessive or severe cramping, severe hemorrhaging, blood clots, infected or ruptured placenta, scar tissue that blocks fallopian tubes, potential for increased risk of breast cancer, heavy or prolonged bleeding, seizures, comas, accidental injection of saline or other medicines into the mother's blood stream, infections due to parts of baby being left in the mother after the abortion procedure is complete, and teen death.
Psychological side effects: flashbacks of abortion, difficulty bonding with children, sudden uncontrollable crying, an intense desire to become pregnant again just to replace the aborted child, anniversary grief, inability to forgive themselves, emotional numbness, nightmares, sexual problems, and depression.
Also: anxiety, thoughts of suicide, eating disorders and sadness. Some resort to drug and alcohol abuse and promiscuity to mask their guilt and regret. Others become contentious and adversarial in relationships. They harbor anger and resentment, especially if they were forced or coerced into having the abortion by their man or family. Most men will read these signs and go HUMM
Just like an addict in need of a fix, they will scheme, lie and connive . . . using flattery, theft by deception, romance and make some of the most exaggerated promises of marital bliss in your ears will ever hear. Once the high is waned they are headed for 1. post marital counseling, 2, marital therapy, 3. separation, 4. adultery. 4. divorce court, 5. domestic violence, or host to other lewd or despicable activities to keep that. "I'm in love feeling.
Lord told me you were to be my wife or husband. Dreamed about you going to be for them.
They may assert themselves to be a Christian, When they start expressing feelings for you or a desire to marry you because:
Beware this is a lie.
1. They had a vision from the Lord about
2. God put you in their heart
3. they had a dream from heaven about you
4. someone prophesied to them
5. the Lord told them you were "The One"
6. They claim it's the will of God
7. God commanded them to marry you
8. An angel told them to marry you
Your are operating with someone is exhibiting a lying spirit, a spirit of control or a spirit of manipulation.
Why does Slick operator want to marry so fast?
1. tired of being lonely
2. marrying for money, prestige or power
3. the urge to merge syndrome
4. the soul mate syndrome
5. my mate will complete me syndrome
6. the mad scientist syndrome
7. need new living arrangements
8. the most eligible bachelor or bachelorette syndrome
9. matrimoney mania
10. lying on impulse
11. peer pressure
12. age desperation
13. wedding ceremony blues
14. tired of being lonely
15. getting revenge against an EX
If marrying U for money or prestige: the person will become your worst enemy if they think they will loose this. People with soul mate syndrome: have doomed themselves for failure because they are chasing after magical feeling lasts 24 hrs a day 7 days a week, 4 days a month. Complete me: "a spouse to smooth out their jagged edges" they expect their spouses to bring them out of their state of depression, free them from their drug, alcohol or pornographic addictions, propel them to keep a steady job, cause them to stop lying and cheating or help them clear up their other emotional, mental, financial, social or psychological defects. Sooner they marry, the sooner their new spouse can begin turning their lives around. They name you "their saviour".