by Joni Lund on 04/25/13
With the addition of Using my FIR, ERE, E powe) I am able to sleep better. Not experiencing aches, pains, cramping or extreme fatique anymore. Used the HTE machines for a full year. After the first 5 months of use, I had enough strength/health to change my dietry habits, which amplified the effects of useing the HTE machines. I am now slim and sexy after 5 months of use. Severty five pounds lighter. My scalp hair is growing back in, and is moist, glossy, & of a voluptuouis quality. Never has been. My eyes have improved to the point where I'll have to go in for a weaker prescription. A year later my health has improved to the point where I can weight life after a full day of aerobiatic exercise at work (16 miles). (No longer in leg/ankle/arch braces to stand and walk. Using these machines will be a life long change for me, as the effects of these machines are very dramatic on my health quality. Gone from $800. a month in medications including near constant antiboitics to one cheap thyroid supplement ($10.00 amour Thryoid) from the doctor. No more 1000 to1500 pain pills a month, no more antiacids daily all month, no more ineffective synthtic supplements, no more sleeping pills, no more nerve pills, no more laxitives, no more hardcore laxatives. No more skin problems. No more fungal and parasitic over loads. No more appetite problems & has lessened dehydration problems. Glad I rented to try out these machines, glad I bought my own set, and glad I became a distributor. Glad I offer other people the opportunity to use my machines. I find the FIR hot houses and chi machine to be very relazing. I haven't needed a chiropractor since using the chi machine. On really bad days I also use my pressure punture equipment; which are also available for public use. As well as my health library. Cold laser machine (Alleviator) releaves issues in the soft tissue of joints. Back I do once a year, ankles and knees once every six months to two years. I walk 16 miles a day with weight on my back. Summary: GREAT PAIN REDUCTION, AND A STRENGTHING OF MY SYSTEM.
Advanced ERE: I use it to help kill off a viral, bacterial, and fungus in my blood. When faithful daily, usually don't common down with anything. Or colds are a day or two. I've noticed daily use, eleminates the need for over the counter treatments for yeast infections. When you figure each treatment approxiamately $25.00 med, machine $400.00; I broke even in 12 months. Plus I am not killing my liver with antifungal creams. Also I found in the first year large parasitic organism kill offs, which were passed off rectually. For years we had dogs, cats, cattle, & horses in addition to the exposure we already have from soil, air, and the food/water we consumed.
(Alleviator) cold laser, I also suggest using in the back of knees for additional treatment of degression as published studies say it elevates happy moods when applied. I find it works, and so has two rental customers. FIR to back of knees would also help, not much, as it isn't a focused beam of light.
I also use the ZYTO COMPASS Hand cradle: This usually confirms what I ready know is going on in my body. It gives me a print out of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other supplements to take and what they are being taken for. I rent the compass for bio-surveys at $120.00 for the first time(the standard rate.) $50.00 subsequent tests. At $10.00 after the first test for customers whom buy the suggested herbs thorough me.
In addition, I am looking for an affordable high quality Hyper barbaric chamber for me and my customers. This pushes oxygen to the very core of your body, including your bones. (Theory is viral, and bacterial agents are damaged and or destroyed when used in conjunction with other oxygen infusing treatments.) Energizing too.
We are living in a time, in which, continuous oxygen depletion of our environment and toxicity build up are the norm. This is contrary to a proper functioning body, to good health: mentally, physically, & spiritually. It takes more elements (oxygen in all states), amino acids, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, etc. to hold and or to restore ur health.
First of all, is to realize, what is really happening to us.
Foods which are designed. DESIGNED. Those which are storable and full of flavor are deficient & full of toxins and allergens. They are called food but in reality they are A NEW PATENTALBE ITEM with a "food label" (something only they can make money on as they own the design), a knock off an original natural food (general rule of thumb: a single ingredient food.) or a remake off a previous designed food. Often very deficient in nutrients and contain free radical inducers hydrogenated oils, partial hydrogentated oils (not dangerous until heated - get heated by their/you cooking method & body. you use up your enzymes in your body pulling these out of your system. What do you have left to function on?), white sugar, white flour, white salt, plus those long lettered preservatives and artificial flavors/colors. Those are petroleum based, not a good thing. If you buy truely healthy foods the supply market will respond by providing you with what you want to buy. The whole idea is to get your puchasing dollars. Secondly, cheap dead foods now, will cost you a lot starting approxiamately in your forties and be a money sucking health problem until you are gone. It is like everything else, quality, produces quality. Shoody work, produces poor quality, double timing, more problems.
My equipment is the top of the line. Not the weaker, knock offs commonly found in catalog marketing bombardments. Betty Ford clinic, and the Gerson Cancer Institute uses this equipment as a supportives you may rent or buy locally from us.
The relaxation = promotes cell function. Stress shuts cell function off. My machines induce circulation and oxygen being put into system as well. All good: good body function promotes healing/health.
If calling with questions, best to catch me around 8PM - 10PM.
I prefer written correspondance by US mail. That way it is dealt with the day it comes throught the door. Otherwise, other forms of communication there is a long delay, or your missed in the large volume of paperwork I am behind on.
Have a good day. Love Joni
Though to ponder on, you are what you focus on.
Make sure you focus on what you want to be!