Man, Woman, or Child . . .
by Joni Lund on 03/21/15
Man, woman, or child, who is responsible, who is at risk, and who pays?
Who is responsible?
The buck first starts with the Man. God ordained the honor, responsiblity, and the ability to do the job of taking care of women and children to men. This is man's special gift to men. Provide and protect. Scripture:
The trouble is men are using their gift from God to selfishly serve themselves. Hence, being a phyiscal and financial threat to women and children. And in every society where men, drop the responsiblity and the honor of providing and protecting women and children that society will cease to exist as a nation/people under God. History is full of example of this.
Man and secondarly the woman are responsible for the children.
Order of responsibity: Man, woman, grand-parents, relatives, neighbors, community leaders, state, nation,etc.
Who is at risk?
Man: His heart hardens, as he tries to fill the emptyness in his soul that providing for women and children would fill. So he shifts from one woman to another. Often while consuming drugs and alcohol; becoming a larger liability and danger for all. Bastard children are often the result; an the down ward inherited cycle partpituates. Finacially he is broken lower and lower. Mentally he hardens more. Spititualy he is in full rebellion and denial. So he projects the responsiblity to other, them main target " the women" made him do it. As his problems go on he is more dangerous and gets further and futher from God. So in an escence he is in hell, and his fruit is death. Further weakening the society like a virsus.
Woman: Woman with a sin based selfish man will be held down with the man's problems and demands. So the potential of God's gifts to her being developed or encouraged to grow usually are hampered or snuffed out. Bitterness & poverty are often the fruit in this situation.
Children: The children become like the parents. Copies of prespective genders. So these unproductive patterns become a generational curse.
City/State: Time and finances are consumed dealing with crimes, prison systems, and legally forcing the man to do as he should as a provider and protector of family. Legal enforcement feels like a prison sentence verses the blessings it should be. Resourses are further taxed with providing for the assistance for single parents, and no parent families with the simplest of basics. People in this down ward social spiral tend to never get out of it. And very often it becomes a generational curse. Proverty and hard times.
Nation: This on a wide spread bases is crippling to a nation. It undermines the principles which gives a nation it's strength, and prosperity. Coheasion. So the country slips into waste.
Who pays?
Man, Women, Children, town, community, country, and world.
What is at stake?
Everything including: Peace, family, life, liberty, happinesses, presperity, relationship to community, family, relationship with God, your soul, and you & your future. Your neighbors and mine too. The generations to come.
How can this be different?
True repentance and understand of what is going on.
To understand we must have a true understand of how God set our society's to operate in a productive manner.
God: Seek first his Kingdom, and all things will be added onto you. This command is for everyone.
Man: repent and obey the order of how God designed this. This will open you up to greater blessings then you will ever realize on your own. A great feeling of worth, and well being. Including very regular sex for married men.
Woman: understand that the responsiblity is man's. Repent of thinking you have to do it yourself. Reward man when he gets it right. Be an assistant, and a comfort; not a drug or an excuse. Women: do not sign yourself up in situations were men are not following God's statuates. This will go a long way to holding men up to God's standards. The message will be clear that women are of value, verses available to the strongest animal. As sex will not be available in every dark place, but available in context of positive environment for men, women, and children. Women will be able to prosper in their God given gifts unique to each individual as well.
Children: In a positive God first, and stucture of responsiblity children while have the best, including examples. Therefore, they will be copies of GOOD, copies of the prespective genders. Generational blessings.
With this stucture; families are strong, towns, cities and communities thrive, state are strong, and nations grow and prospure. The people are happy.