Welcome to the official site of the
Joni Lund - Trading Post. Future location Paradise Ranch.
contact site for the original " Horse Listener ", entrepreneur, & Life Coach: Joni Lund.
We have "Joni Lund - Trading Post" providing:
~ Local Safe Shelter; orginial coordinator, and founder,
~ holistic/homeopathic services in the form of my "Natural Healing Clinic"
- Complimentary alternative medicines, solution center for its private members, their

- We endeavor, coaching you to heal your body, mind & spirit.

- Frequent benefit for our members is pain reduction and better quality of life.

(A licensed Naturopathic Doctor in the future) with full training in

pressure puncture, acupuncture, reflexology, massage, Reike, Chakra, Herbalolgy,

testing: muscle, finger nail/tongue, massage reflexology, & Iridology.

- On staff: People with perceptive insight, initiative, empathic training.

- Our equipment aides healing via light-electromagnetic wave, electric wave, sound

wave, & metabolic spectrums.

- Current Blood Glucose, pH, Blood typing, Bio-reading assessment.
~Joni Lund – Trading Post is an innovative leader in North Dakota’s health industry.
Since 2011 they have operated as a value-driven company dedicated to coaching/nourishing
people and caring for the planet.
Joni Lund – Trading Post is building a business characterized by high standards in all
aspects of their company, from the organic farms that grow their foods, through the
production, packaging, and transportation of their products, to the Joni’s associates who
communicate with their retailers and the people who enjoy their products.
~Our mission is to spare the world of suffering, premature death; adding joy and
quality of life. One mind, one person, one society at a time, by teaching and supplying
the necessary tools.
~Ministery work: people in need of redirection/help in their path through life. Plan to host
inner city children, and short term housing for the abused. Bring hope to all, to native
Americans in their homes. (Looking for sponsorship by a church organization.)
Hopefully Baptists_ I agree with their announcements concerning living together with out
marriage and their public stand not supporting homosexual activites.
~Leather shop/Trade shop providing artesian goods, and Paradise Ranch - ah ha place.
~A full-service equine breeding facility, specializing in breeding, & sales of quality:
Equine Stock of all ages,: Inquiries please write a letter by USA mail.
~ Paso Finos, ~Corto/Largo Horses,

(Not the common: hot, delicate boned, small steppers often seen on the East and West coasts today.)

We specialize in the "OLD STYLE" road gaited PASO FINO.

Sport and athletic performance horses with good minds, movement, & speed.
With performance leg movements & long strides. Cuban, Columbian, Puerto Rican bloodlines.
We consider a stud going under 15mph, & a mare going under 13mph correctly; poor quality by our standards.

The goal is 21mph in 100% correct Paso Largo or single foot. (Mares 15-18mph, studs 18-21mph.)
~ Available stock: PFHA & APLHA horses: Corto to Largo, & LARGO.
~ Donkey Stallion 14.2hh & ~Mules.
~ Other breeds by consignment and occasional special projects for resale.
~ Wide range of color, many of the rarer shades.
~ Zero interest, purchase financing.
Semen Collection & Shipping Service for the Public. Competitive prices.
~Artificial Insemination: Cooled & Frozen, Hand or Pasture Breeding, Stallion Variety,
Customer Service: ~Training, resource materials, advice & tips, written purchase guarantee.
~Preserving "Old World" Spanish type stock with the LP gene. Under construction.
This website is heavy with information, photos, and video. It may take 2 minutes for some pages to fully load and longer on slower computers. Especially video pages. Thank you for your patience!
Please let us know where you have any trouble, so we can fix it.
Like the trading posts found in the mountains and the frontier West of the 1800's, we offer a
variety of goods and services.
Our trading post's first focus is providing good health for humanity, pets, & show stock by providing access to holistic/homeopathic products and health equipment.
Our second focus is saving "old distinguished equine blood lines" and providing quality performance road gaited Paso Fino horses. We love our Largo Horses!
Our third focus is traveling, lecturing on health, healing, and motivational thinking.
Our fourth focus is providing custom leather craft/goods and supplies including art, sculpture, tack, bits, saddles, harness, and craft supplies. Our work includes pet collars, belts, checkbooks, plus. We are only limited by your wallet.
Styles: Contemporary-modern, traditional western, and biker, big city type.
I am finishing up past orders, and selling items on hand which need only slight alterations to customize. Otherwise only doing occasional full custom work at this time. 01-29-2020. Not taking on order unless you are a personal friend.
We carry a wide range of products from other venders too.
We are only limited by the time it takes to list every thing on this website. Most is not listed.
We are forever growing and expanding to cover your needs.
Suggestions and requests are welcome.
New divisions can be added as needed.
Free stuff available through out this website.
Under construction, if you like something with out a price or information, call around
9 PM & I'll get the information to you.
Shipping charges have been revised/reduced.
~A motivational speaker.
~ Articles: Health, Natural Holistic Healing, Horse Training,
~Advertising Space for others. We also provide links to other websites upon request.
More people of similar interests networking together, exposures all involved to more customers.
~Art, Frames, Home Decorations, Furniture
~Completed Leatherwork, including belts, holster/gun belts, checkbooks covers, sculpture,

cat & dog collars. Custom leather work on a part-time bases.
~Fancy Clothes: Show, Parade, Silk Screen & Embroidery
~ Health Articles
~ Holistic Supplements
~Horse, Ranch/Ag Equipment/Etc.
~Jewelry & Gifts/Figurines
~Leather Craft kits, Raw materials
~Tack, Saddles, Harness, Bits, Dog Collars, & Grooming supplies
-Gaited horse stuff too. Replacement hardware for above.
~Real Estate
~Safe Shelter Coordinator
~Speciality Foods, Snacks, Drinks, Sauces
~Transportation, all vehicles sales, other modes of transportation too.
~Vacation/Travel/Hunting Needs - Service providers, points of interest in ND towns and

towns with listings with us. FREE travel and tourist information.
Please explore this site to learn more.
Open search tabs at the top or bottom of this page or link on underlined words.

Write: Joni Lund, Manager

Carrington, ND 58421-1905
Telemarketers - you will loose by business if you call. NO telemarketer calls accepted.
M - S:
After 5:00 PM Central to before 9PM Central. (701) 320-6200 cell Text 1st, I'll re-call when I can.

(We can not accommodate walk-ins at this time)

Thurs or Sun: After 9:00 AM to 9 PM Central (701) 652-1986 message.
(Usually all evenings or Thursday/Sunday 24/7)
Prefer written correspondence by USA mail in all things!
This site is updated once every six months.
Please check back with us again & see what is new.
Re-saving/adding this site to your favorites will replace the pervious copy; giving you a clearer, cleaner updated copy. So please add us to your favorites again.
We as of 01-01-2020 All new payment systems & shipping.
I have current horse video contact me give address to get a copy on CD , dated Sept 5, 2013.
Text messages: (701) 320-6200