Do we need men in our homes as our heads of home?
by Joni Lund on 09/18/14
There is a misconception amoung the cultures themselves. Amound the "white" community they see themselves as people from a certain ethnic group from country of ancestoral orgin.
This mind set is thought to only be syptomic of the "black community".
However, it is true of all people, this lie about themselves. And the worst the community they are from help promote the lie, self-degration.
The real truth we are ALL ONE PEOPLE UNDER GOD. And should act like it.
The prejudice amoungst one's "own culture" is just as strong in the "white" "Asian", "brown" "Indian" or Asian" or other group then that coming against us from another culture. The prejudice is feed from within oneself, one's own culture. Negetivity spreads. We are ALL guilty. That is why the Holy Bible says we are all guilty and fall short of the glory of God. And it is by his grace we have salvation through his son Yoshusa. We all judge prdjuically against others based religion, gender, sexual orientations, appearance, social status, country of ethnic orgin, and skin tone. Skin tone is usually the last on the list. WE ALL DO. We find something to put ourselves or others down. We must start from within. Examine what we believe to be true. Clean our own houses first, be helpfl to , and forgiving of one another. Hold each other up to a standard of accountability while doing so in love for our neighbor.
Skin color is the least of any of our personal problems.
Dove soap company test polled young girls. 7 in 10 girls between 8-17 feel not good enough or don't measure up in their appearances.
75% of girls with low-esteem report engagin in negative activities like eating disorders, cutting, drug use, and self-loathing.
A strong family life with two committed healthy parents with a father activiely engaged in father time, dramically reduces these statistics.
Children and women gain their sense of value from the value their fathers put on them! Are their fathers open to time with them or too busy. Too busy translates you are not valued. Are they and their mother abanaonded or love by dad?
The value of men in a good situation and in good standing in our ghomes is way over looked and under valued/supported in our homes. Abusive situation should not be allowed for the sake of not passing on these habits to future generations.
Healthy men = healthy families = healthy citizens = healthy communitys.
The results of no fathers at home or in healthy loving leading roles in our homes is the projected in our society's problems now 2014.
Media also plays a large role in our preception of ourselves. Selling an idea of norm, or ideal. Example most seen: skinny, white, sexy models= money, status = success.
The spirit begins to shrink when you think poorly of yourself.
This sin is taught to us by the media, politics, and society.
Our hearts, minds, intelligence has nothing to do with our skin tone or our outward appearance.
Too often, we as sinners - put others down to cover up our own sins of low self esteem or low value. We pass on the hurt we feel. These spiritual forces inhibits us when we interact with others; this is what "Satan" wises. Divison of God's people. To kill or destroy something or someone with a thought. God made us all free. If we embrace any form of psiritual slavery we are slaves to sin (Satan). And spiritual slaves.
41.9% of black womaen in the US never marry. 20.7% of white women in US never marry. African American women are the least coupled ethnic group in America.
white men tend to revere dark women or other more in the context of loving the women's natural beauty. Dark men via the opiniion of women interviewed, say dark men particulary "blackmen" have control issues over the relationship with their women. And to a women this is a problem, so they look for men other then black where as they actual would prefer a colored man for child bearing.
Globally interilized racism exists.
All people want to be darker except "black people". The beauty industry feeds off of people's insecurities. Hollywood is idealized as a normal goal. This is structural racism.
Skin bleaching agents are sold to black people to whiten, and white people spend large amounts of money to tan or darken themselves. In Aftica is is nearly impossible to buy a skin moisturing product which doesn't contain bleach.
We ALL have the same hopes, dreams, pains, sorrows, joys, as everyone else. What is your excuse to destroy verses to love your strengths and personality?
It starts with a realization of the state of ourselves.
Important to heal, the wounds inside of us so that the music inside of us can sing. And come out and your music can be heard by the world!
Loving yourself, Love begins with yourself. Your the drop that lands in the pouund and starts the rippling pound rings. the ripples you make go out to others. YOUR essence is your inner beauty! Not your outward appearance or skin tone.
Would you not love your ribs on one side of your body as much and the ribs of yours on the other? How can you to take care of one part of you and not another.
Therefore, with your spouse, whom you are one with, how can you not love them as yourself, or if you love them greatly not love yourself? Or your family?
TO love is to be open, willing to be accountable, willing to be adjusted, to be accountable, and to love which equals to give. Not as a fool. But as one whom cares.
TO lust: is to take.