Our Paso Fino and Largo Horse Breeding Program Goals,
1. Produce horses with a NATURAL Paso Gait.
2. Produce horses with a PEOPLE, friendly disposition.
3. Produce horses with ATHLETISM, good for all-around use.
Including Ranch, Trail, Endurance, Speed Gait Racing, Roping, Cutting, Reining, Rodeo, Pleasure & Performance
classes, jumping: small to medium heights. Many with fabulous take offs; especially any with Future & Dakota's
lineage. The majority of our horses are calmer, harder working - with less fussing, attain a ground eating extention;
verses those raised on the East and West Coasts.
4. Provide EDUCATION for the general public of Paso Fino pluses, their uses through history & general horse
knowledge/skills from ages past.
5. We have invested $3,000. to $15,000. for each of our breeding stock animals.
6. We endeavor to up grade our quality of stock every year with a purchase of a better mare or stallion.
Our American Paint Breeding Program Goals,
1. Produce horses with a NATURAL Speed.
2. Produce horses with a PEOPLE,friendly disposition.
3. Produce horses with ATHLETISM, good for all-around use.
4. Provide EDUCATION for the general public of equine & Paint uses through history & general horse
knowledge/skills from ages past.
5. We up grade by breeding our mares to champion American Paints or Thoroughbreds.
Our Mule Breeding Program Goals,
Order of traits looked for in our donkey stud purchase: Conformation & correctness of

movement, Disposition, Size, Color, type of gaits available.
1. Produce mule with a NATURAL strength of their Dam.
2. Produce mules with a PEOPLE,friendly dispositions.
3. Produce Mules with ATHLETISM, good for all-around use.
4. Provide EDUCATION for the general public on Mule pluses, their uses through history & general horse

knowledge/skills from ages past.
5. Produce mules with a horse type conformation: This includes nice head, wide but medium length necks, proportionate
short backs: for strength & beauty, ample withers, legs under hips for horses crosses, and slightly forward for the
Paso crosses, substantial chest and rears. With a general appearance of a horse. More more eye appeal, and physical
balance and ability then the average mule.
Our Donkey stud's line is producing champion jumpers with higher knee action on Paso Fino crosses.
The other breed crosses where fine also. Which included Quarter Horses, Arabians, Thoroughbreds, etc.
See the photos of the competition under our donkey stallions information section. You'll see what we mean.
6. Will Breed your mares for draft, riding and driving mules. And donkey mares.
7. All around sport and pleasure mule stock available.