Are You a Natural Entrepreneur?
by Linda Hollander, the Wealthy Bag Lady
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To see if you have the right stuff to fly solo in your own business, take this short quiz. Answer each question honestly with a number between 1 and 5.
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Usually
5 = Always
1. I'm a self-starter.
2. I'm organized.
3. I'm creative.
4. I'm competitive.
5. I have adequate resources.
6. I finish the projects I start.
7. I'm excited about meeting new challenges.
8. My spouse, friends, and family are supportive.
9. I'm willing to make short-term sacrifices for long-term rewards.
10. I create rapport with people.
11. I'm comfortable with selling myself.
12. I'm comfortable asking for help.
13. I'm able to take rejection.
14. I'm able to learn from my mistakes.
15. I listen to my intuition.
Now add up your points and determine your entrepreneurial profile:
Less than 35: Lady in Waiting. Fear may be holding you back from starting a business or taking your business to the next level. You need to stop thinking small and expand your horizons. You may have negative people in your life who have chipped away at your self worth. The good news is that with the right information, a great supporting cast, and a shot of self confidence, you will take the entrepreneurial leap and succeed!
35 to 50: Daring Dame. You have wonderful ideas, energy, and motivation. You have received shining praise from others. You have a natural rapport with people and a sincere desire to help others. Success is yours if you are aware of distractions on your journey towards your goals and dreams. Feel the fear and do it anyway!
More than 50: Entrepreneurial Empress. You are a freedom fighter with amazing leadership skills. You may not be the one who was voted "Most likely to succeed," but your inner strength and resiliency will surprise everyone--even you. A maverick like you breaks down the roadblocks in your way and leaves the losers in the dust. You dream big and your world has no boundaries. Taking risks and meeting challenges are like adrenaline to you. You go, girl!
Thanks so much for taking the quiz. We'll keep you updated with articles and tips to skyrocket your success from Wealthy Bag Lady.
Your success begins here...
Best of luck on your incredible journey!
Linda Hollander
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Linda Hollander, the Wealthy Bag Lady,
is the author of Bags to Riches
and the founder of the
Women's Small Business Expo
To get the book, click here:

For information on the Women's Small Business Expo, click here:
Wealthy Bag Lady
4214 Glencoe Avenue
Marina Del Rey, CA