For Sale
$3.00 per recipe no shipping charge.
These are "tried and true" recipes.
Old Fashioned Pumpkin Pie this rich flavorful recipe, makes two deep dish pies.
Carrot Pie
African Yam Pie
Sweet Potato Pie
Old Fashioned Lemon Pie - zesty, sweet pie with complete merangine instructions
Best Bananna Cream Pie Ever
Pine/Apple Pie
VERY Good Rhubarb Crunch
Grandmothers Frog Eye Salad - fruit & pasta
Pink Cloud Dessert- rich, low calorie
Very Rich Pudding Bars - delicious
Baked Beans
Boston Baked Beans
Scalloped Corn
Savory Butternut Squash
Lefsa - Traditonal Scandianvian Potato flat bread.
Moose & Pineapple Hotdish - refreshing tasty twist.
Grandmas Family Cheesecake
Chow Mein Hot dish
Moms Spaghetti Sauce
Potato Lasagna
Zuchini Lasagna
Jonis Golden Gate Chow Mein
Sweet & Sour Pork on fried rice.
Pickled Meat: Dakota Salmon - use pike, walleye, or carp
Turnip Greens and Turnips
Sour Dough Starter
Sour Dough Biscuits
Carmel Roll Sauce - free; coat pan (with tall sides) with butter set aside. In saucepan stir and warm 1C. heavy farm cream & 3/4C brown sugar until sugar is melted and the two ingredients are mixed well. Pour into buttered pan, Added cinnamon rolls. Bake according to roll directions.

1. Send List of recipes you want, Use order form please.

2. Enclose $3.00 for each recipe.

Joni Lund, 1295 1st ST S, Carrington, ND 58421

Include: Complete Mailing address:
Payments: check for ND residents only, or

debit/credit card for ALL. Card users enclose and extra $1.00 for cover credit card charges.